Anniversary Dinner Ideas

Hello All,
This is my first post. Today is my wife and I's 10 year anniversary. We plan on just having a relaxing dinner out at a local restaurant.

With that said, I just started using MFP on Monday and now it has me thinking heavily about where I should go out tonight. I don't want to be super strict on my calories because I believe you should be able to relax from time to time and eat what you want, but I am looking at this as an opportunity to pay attention to where we go and make a smart choice.

At any rate, anyone have any ideas? I have 900 calories to spend tonight. :-)


  • CallMeMamaBoo
    Best thing to do is find the restaurant's website and find the nutritional facts for their menus. I love doing that before heading out so I know my best options. You would be surprised by the things you will be able to eat! (and not eat lol)
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    Red Lobster!
  • Lipvanmeier26
    Olive Garden has some pretty good low cal dishes especially the Venetian Apricot Chicken.. Happy Anniversary
  • adamhel
    adamhel Posts: 4 Member
    Why Red Lobster, besides the obvious decent sea food? :-)

    I was wondering if my favorite steak house was a decent choice if I substituted the potato for vegetables?
  • SaraEWrig
    SaraEWrig Posts: 88 Member
    I second CallMe - definitely look up ahead of time on the restaurants website, and even if you don't choose what you are going to eat, you can have a good idea of what to stay away from. Don't forget to look up cocktails too.

    Happy Anniversary!
  • lfcutie
    lfcutie Posts: 103 Member
    oilve garden post their calories right on the menu....they have grilled steak and chicken spindini with veggies basically skews and will have enough for a bread stick and salad i believe the meal is not too high in calories......or if you go somewhere else just ask for the lunch portion so you can splurge without going over too much:) good luck and happy anniversary!!!!!