Slim Fast

I just wanted to know if anyone here uses slim fast..I was thinking about using it again..Wanted to know if anyone has has success while using it.


  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I wouldn't use it as a diet plan, but I do sometimes have one of the latte shakes, for a quick meal replacement if I dont have time - really love the taste of the latte flavour!
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    i did it for a week and gained over 5lbs. too much sugar in it.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I reallydon't see the point. You could have a meal for a similar amount of calories, that's a lot healthier.
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    Stay away from it. You learn absolutely nothing from it - eat healthy. That's what is it all about. If you take Slimfast for what - 4 weeks, then start eating, you will only gain back what you have lost.
    1. Eat healthy foods - fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains
    2. Exercise regularly - even if it is just walking. You don't have to do high energy cardio workouts at first
    3. Count calories - follow this website and log in daily. Be committed
    4. It will take time - the weight didn't come on quickly, it won't leave quickly.

    Believe me I know. I have struggled my whole lif with weight issues, and I am FINALLY learning that slow is healthiest and best. Good luck to you!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Haven't used it regularly in years. It doesn't satisfy me so I "cheat". I have a can on hand in case I don't have anything else to eat for lunch at work.
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    I like to keep the Slim Fast 321 Shakes in the house for a quick grab-and-go breakfast. I know it's so important to give your body nutrients in the mornings to start your day and a lot of times, as a college student, i simply don't have the time or ingredients to cook. I think they're pretty tasty too! I've lost weight since adding them to my diet routine but I have also made many other changes simultaneously, but i think they have helped!! All in all, i don't follow the Slim fast plan exactly, but I like throwing in their products here and there to help my diet.
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    I like to keep the Slim Fast 321 Shakes in the house for a quick grab-and-go breakfast. I know it's so important to give your body nutrients in the mornings to start your day and a lot of times, as a college student, i simply don't have the time or ingredients to cook. I think they're pretty tasty too! I've lost weight since adding them to my diet routine but I have also made many other changes simultaneously, but i think they have helped!! All in all, i don't follow the Slim fast plan exactly, but I like throwing in their products here and there to help my diet.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    HI! i love the taste but the calories just kill it for me! i am using a product that does not have as much sugar and i like having shakes for breakfast and dinner! Best wishes!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    it's just portion control & keeping your metabolism up with frequent snacks/meals. :o) it works, but i get sick of having the same thing all the time. it might be healthier (idk if that matters or if you're just aiming for weight loss) & even lower cal (meaning faster results), to try the special k protein waters (190 cals) or light muscle milk (160 cals) for 2 meals a day & have a snack of fruit or granola or greek yogurt or something else filling (low cal & high nutrients) mid morning & mid afternoon with a sensible dinner. :o) slimfast has a lot of preservatives & sugar for the 220ish cals in them!

    breakfast- 190
    10am- 100
    lunch- 190
    3pm- 100
    dinner- 500
    evening- 100
    = 1180 :o)
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    In my opinion -No Way No How - way too much sugar! You might as well eat some ice cream with a crushed up vitamin on top. I did slim fast when i was a teenager and i pretty much starved! If i did lose weight it was from water weight loss. The only practical use for Slim Fast would be maybe if you're really on the go and don't have time to prepare a meal - so grab a shake or a bar. But there are several other bars out there i'd choose (Luna, Snicker's Marathon Energy, some PowerBars) because they have less sugar. But as a weight loss technique or daily regimen? Nope. Everyone is different but I know it's not for me.
  • GatorLvr13
    Thanks for all the replies and info..Great to have awesome ppl to talk with. Have a great weekend and thanks for all the advice
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm doing a "shake" program and it works for me, mainly because if one or two of my meals are already set, I don't spend the whole day THINKING about food. But looking at the nutritional information in Slim Fast, I can't see how that would help you lose weight or keep you full. The shakes I take have half the sugar and twice the protein as a SlimFast shake. Protein and carbs balance are very important, and SlimFast looks pretty sub-standard to me .
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I get them for a snack or if I'm leaving late, but never actually used for the plan.
  • rwarren2
    rwarren2 Posts: 25
    My problem with Slim Fast is that I became extremely hungry after drinking one, and typically, that resulted in me consuming more calories. With that being said, it probably works for some because they haven't stopped manufacturing it, smile.