i LOVE food

yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
so, not entirely "new" (started with the phone app a couple months ago) but just discovered the boards when i logged on with an actual computer : so cool to find so much support!

food (and drink) is my greatest pleasure, from shopping at the market, cooking every day, reading cookbooks like they were novels, i could go on and on .. clearly, my biggest challenge is moderating my food (& wine) intake without losing the love i have for all things food. i still cook a ton (my husband is one of those guys who can eat about a million calories a day and still look like he spends 3 hours a day at the gym), just try to have little bites of the indulgent stuff and heaping piles of fruits and veggies.

hoping to find some witty people out there who also love food and drink (!) and may just be fun enough to distract me from my obsession...


  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    That's me! I'm very much anti-diet, so I will tend to eat that piece of cake instead of say no. However, I really only have it once every 2-3 weeks, so to me it's not a big deal!

    I too love cooking (and wine, lol). I love cooking from scratch, it's so much fun, and tastes SO much better! I do use real butter, cream, etc.

    I guess I'm lucky in the sense that I love a wide variety of foods. As a kid, I would much rather go raid the garden and eat the raw green beans than have ice cream. To this day, I'm not a big ice cream fan. So I think I have a really good balance when it comes to the foods I love, because I love so many different kinds!
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    I also love food and cooking...not so much the wine though. I've made a fun habit of finding recipes and finding ways to make them healthier. I also cook whatever I want to eat and just make sure to have the right portion of it. If you use the recipes tool and enter in the ingrediets for what you cook, you might be surprised to see they are lower in calories than you may think!
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I LOOOOVE food too!! I'm so glad somebody else is here too who is having the same problem as me with food. It's super hard! Hopefully we can be buddies and distract and motivate each other into doing well. I need to learn some recipes that will trick my brain into thinking I got to eat my yummy greasy fatty foods without actually eating them.
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    i dont so much love food (as in variety) as i love to EAT food.. as in a few favorites! YA.. LOVE to eat.. mmmm and yes. i guess i do love food..
  • mitchlnix
    mitchlnix Posts: 2 Member
    I'm right there with you on the LOVE of food! My favorite magazines are food related and I have a ton of cookbooks. My passion for food extends to growing it as well. A good wine or cocktail is just the icing on the cake. I find that I can go down the path of finding healthier ways to cook things while still attempting to retain the full taste to keep me occupied. I look at it as a challenge! When I'm really successful, I want to share the recipe with everyone that will listen.

    There are many good cookbooks out there that help you cook lighter. Using fresh in season produce helps too. Spring will bring many opportunites to cook great and healthy things.

    One of my favorite magazines is Cooking Light. With a little advanced planning....your love of cooking and food will only enhance your weight loss journey.
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    New to the boards and just wanted to say that I too LOVE food. And love some of the worst foods (french fries, pizza, breads etc). I just find ways to moderate it and not deprieve myself of them because it can lead to a binge otherwise. Fortunately there are healthier substitutions for most foods.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    good to hear there are other lovers of food making it work! i think my inclination toward cooking will be an asset, never really had any packaged or processed foods before starting anyway, but i did have one mighty fine cheese collection, and i managed to whip up decadent desserts several times a week (now it's laughing cow and vitatops ... :)