Stairs/Leg Cramps...etc

eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
So today I went to a local mountain top and climbed the stairs in about 2 mins. These stairs aren't normal stairs and once you get to one point the incline is nearly straight up. I had to stop and catch my balance before I could continue.

My question is what should I log it as? 2 minutes of walking stairs is only 45 calories or something. Also walking up and down hill for about 20 mins around the park.




I did a min or two of stretching my calves before I started the stairs but the burn was nearly unbearable at a point or two. I can also feel a charlie horse coming which are my nightmares! I don't like to stretch because I find when I do stretch I get them. Any ideas to stop them from coming? I'm assuming tonight when I sleep and stretch I'll be woken up by horrible pain :( ugh hate that!


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Not sure about the logging, unfortunately.

    But the cramping:

    Check your sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. If any of these are off, you'll get cramps. Dehydration in and of itself will also give you a tendency toward cramps.

    Take an NSAID now and make sure you take them for the next 48 hours straight with no breaks. Ice the calves too.
  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    Since you don't stretch enough to begin with, I would recommend more than a minute or 2 of stretching. You're "calves" are made up of two muscles: Gastrocnemius (which is what everyone is familiar with) and your soleus (which is underneath, bigger, wider, and gives the gastrocs its "bulk". Both these muscles plantarflex the ankle, and the gastrocs flex the knee (albeit weakly).

    If your muscles start cramping up, you need to apply direct pressure to it. Just stick your fist in that muscle and wait for the cramp to go away. It's gonna suck, and its gonna hurt, but thats the best way to alleviate it. You also need to be drinking more water.
  • ll31tCH
    ll31tCH Posts: 16
    i do a stair log it as that its like stair treadmill ergometer
  • aagaag
    aagaag Posts: 89 Member
    One magnesium tablet, quickly. It does miracles for cramps. More magnesium will get you diarrhea though, so do not overdo it!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Thanks guys for the help!

    I drink lots of water...generally don't put it in until towards the end of the day. I've had horrible water days the last few days though. Normally drink between 9-21 cups

    I just ate a banana. I don't have any magnesium tablets! I'll need to get some of those.

    Regarding stretching...I'm still not sure about it. I figured a little stretching would be fine? How long are you supposed to stretch for? I tried googling it and got differing answers. I guess ill do more research. Thank you
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Thanks guys for the help!

    I drink lots of water...generally don't put it in until towards the end of the day. I've had horrible water days the last few days though. Normally drink between 9-21 cups

    I just ate a banana. I don't have any magnesium tablets! I'll need to get some of those.

    Regarding stretching...I'm still not sure about it. I figured a little stretching would be fine? How long are you supposed to stretch for? I tried googling it and got differing answers. I guess ill do more research. Thank you

    You want the muscle to be warmed up first. So walk around for 5-10 minutes or take a hot shower.

    Then you stretch to the point of tension (not pain) and hold it for 15-30 seconds. If you weren't already in so much pain, you could go longer, but be gentle to yourself today!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Thanks guys for the help!

    I drink lots of water...generally don't put it in until towards the end of the day. I've had horrible water days the last few days though. Normally drink between 9-21 cups

    I just ate a banana. I don't have any magnesium tablets! I'll need to get some of those.

    Regarding stretching...I'm still not sure about it. I figured a little stretching would be fine? How long are you supposed to stretch for? I tried googling it and got differing answers. I guess ill do more research. Thank you

    You want the muscle to be warmed up first. So walk around for 5-10 minutes or take a hot shower.

    Then you stretch to the point of tension (not pain) and hold it for 15-30 seconds. If you weren't already in so much pain, you could go longer, but be gentle to yourself today!

    Oh okay! thank you
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Thanks guys for the help!

    I drink lots of water...generally don't put it in until towards the end of the day. I've had horrible water days the last few days though. Normally drink between 9-21 cups

    I just ate a banana. I don't have any magnesium tablets! I'll need to get some of those.

    Regarding stretching...I'm still not sure about it. I figured a little stretching would be fine? How long are you supposed to stretch for? I tried googling it and got differing answers. I guess ill do more research. Thank you

    You want the muscle to be warmed up first. So walk around for 5-10 minutes or take a hot shower.

    Then you stretch to the point of tension (not pain) and hold it for 15-30 seconds. If you weren't already in so much pain, you could go longer, but be gentle to yourself today!

    Oh okay! thank you

    Ideally, you should feel the muscle relax while stretching. Yes, you hold it at the point of tension, but after a few seconds you should feel it begin to relax. If it starts tightening up again while you're stretching, then don't keep going--just stop.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Try a flex foot stretch. I don't know about you, but when I stretch my legs unintentionally, my toes normally point, which actually tightens the calves, hence charlie horse.

    The best way to stretch calves though is with your foot flexed; a downward facing dog yoga pose, really focusing on pushing your heels to the floor or simply sit on the floor and gently pull the tops of your feet back (use a scarf or towel if you can't reach your toes).