Getting discouraged!

santo1sa Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I started this wonderful site back in Dec'10. From December to the end of January I've lost 10lbs (yay!). However, for the past couple months I've really only maintained the weight, losing only 2 lbs - mostly from going on and off my healthy diet. I have to say I am feeling a bit...blah. I see the "12 lbs lost" when I log on but I really don't feel proud of it anymore considering that loss has been stagnant for the past few months and nobody really notices I've lost the weight. I know my thought process in this sounds odd, but do you think my motivation would increase if I wiped all that clean and started over or do you think that habit would become more discouraging in the long run. Anyone in the same boat?



  • Septembergirl23
    Septembergirl23 Posts: 106 Member
    It is really hard to see so many people losing weight rapidly when I seem to be stuck. I've tried to ramp up my workouts so I am hoping I will see a difference soon. I think staying to the diet and making sure you are doing everything possible is the best approach. Maybe try a new exercise?

    For me it is seeing people who weigh more than me in a smaller size of clothes than me. I have lost 12# but my clothes have barely changed.
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    I am in EXACTLY the same boat! The scale shows me that I've lost a total of 9 lbs., but I don't see it....And my weight loss has been COMPLETELY stagnant for the past month, although I've continued to be under on calories.

    I am right there with you, chica!
  • I'm definitely in the same boat and its driving me insane! I've lost 25lbs but now I cant seem to lose anything other that a few ounces, sometimes I wonder whats the point but then when I see that 25 every time I log in I try to remind myself this...that 25lbs didn't come easy and the next wont either but I want to see it to the end. I will never reach my goal if I stop. You can do it! I have faith in you!!!
  • kehrerk
    kehrerk Posts: 1
    I feel your pain. In years past I would get down 10, 20 pounds and then stop to only go right back up. Don't know why our body does that. It is always hard to get over that weight loss hump. Don't get discouraged. You can do it. I don't think you will get off the wrong path if you start the clock over. It is always helpful to have a goal. Set a realistic goal and go for it full steam. Now that the weather is getting nicer out, perhaps the sunshine will help as well. Hang that bikini on your closet door - that is motivation in itself. That is what I plan to do.
  • My daughter and I are in the same boat. We both stalled and we are under our calorie goal and working out. Very frustrating but we are trying to stay strong and not get discouraged. It is so easy to gain and so hard to lose, that's what you have to keep reminding yourself.
  • BrendaBlis
    BrendaBlis Posts: 165 Member
    :grumble: I feel just about here too.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Keep've probably just hit a plateau. I was just reading somewhere (wish I could remember where) but it was by a personal trainer who said the she had been training a girl for 3yrs and every 10lbs lost she would plateau but she never changed her diet or workouts and envitiably she would break her plateau everytime, so it might take alittle longer the closer you get to your goal weight but it will happen....use those lost pounds as your motivation to lose more.
    I would also reccomend not falling under 1200 calories per day...including exercise calories. When I started this website, earlier this month, it was because I had become frustrated because I was not losing any weight. I was counting my own calories for years but I figured alittle motivation would help. Since joining I have realized that not eating back my calories was probably the reason I had hit a wall. Since I started eating them and sometimes slightly over I've lost 2lbs and can notice a difference in my body. Don't get me wrong I have weight flucutations but I feel better and I'm not hungry all the time :smile:
    Good luck and stick with it!!!
  • santo1sa
    santo1sa Posts: 2
    Thank you all for your replies and thoughts. I guess its important to remember that if we were able to lose this weight before, we can most definitely do it again. Your encouragement is appreciated!
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