Newbie - Yikes 90lbs to lose

Hi! I landed here about a week ago and started using the food diary - I have followed a lot of different programs over the past 20+ years but always avoided journaling. I really enjoy logging entries and believe it or not (I couldn't believe it) I am trying very hard to get to 1200 calories (heck I'd be happy with 1,000) - don't worry this isn't permanent just a spring thing - BUT when I get over the not wanting to eat thing I start to eat everything and I really really don't want to do that again. I would really like input - especially from the late 40's on group - how do I boost my metabolism when my caloric intake and age is wreaking havoc on it???


  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Welcome....stick with it here it really does work. Let me know if you need anything : )
  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    eat small portioned snack like meals 6 times a day. but eat a good breakfast, and definitely dont gorge at dinner. then your body has to sleep with all that food in your stomach all nite without any activity. welcome to mfp!
  • ambivalence11
    ambivalence11 Posts: 93 Member
    The best way to boost your metabolism is to cut back on your carb intake and fill up on protein and ::GASP:: fats. You will feel fuller and your body will have to work harder to convert these foods into stored fat, hence, boosting your metabolism. Excercise is key in boosting metabolism as well.
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    Tracking...planning... and being accountable has worked for me!
  • MisstheMidwest
    setting little goals work for me! and learning that it is more than okay to indulge every once in a while :)
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi! I am 42, working with wrecked metabolism and doing 20 mins of cardio in the morning really impacts the entire day metabolism-wise. And yes, up the protein, lower the carbs and no eating past 9pm. The more exercise you do the better your metabolism and the more muscle which burns more calories. If you don't lose you may not be eating enough calories. Hope this helps. Add me as a friend if you like and we can share this journey. I have over 100 pounds to lose and this working for me. :)
  • egoplast
    egoplast Posts: 41 Member
    The best way to boost your metabolism is to cut back on your carb intake and fill up on protein and ::GASP:: fats. You will feel fuller and your body will have to work harder to convert these foods into stored fat, hence, boosting your metabolism. Excercise is key in boosting metabolism as well.

    ambivalence11 hit the nail right on the head. Low carb will work wonders for getting your metabolism going.
    I too am aiming for 90ish pounds and have been going for a little over a month- Low processed carbs (breads and chips) high protein and moderate fats.

    One last thing - get plenty of cardio
  • AngelRae83
    AngelRae83 Posts: 60 Member
    could someone suggest a meal plan just something to go by. as to what would be good food to eat and what do you eat when you get a snack craving???
  • LisaMariaCallow
    Make sure you're eating enough calories, and exercise!! That will help boost your metabolism!! Good luck-I've been journaling for a few years, but there's something about putting it on here that's really keeping me in check!! :smile:
  • hrhwrightca
    hrhwrightca Posts: 45 Member
    I think slow and steady in weight loss seems to be the best way for me so far although I have been lucky enough to have dropped randomly 10 more lbs here and there along the last couple of months since I have been on here... I started at the beginning of Jan at 310lb and I am just under 275 now so 30lbs so far - my personal goal is to go down to the next "10" so by next month I want to be in my 260's... otherwise it seems overwhelming when I think of the "total weight" I want to lose...

    Journalling my food has been an eye opener for me - I truly did not know how much calories I was eating a day - the "in 5 weeks you will weigh" thing keeps me motivated as it comes up with the numbers I want to be at next month :)

    Good luck - and every day is a new day - dont make one day of eating badly throw you off your long term journey :)