Advice for 1st 5K tomorrow?

SO heres the back story...Ive dropped 43 lbs and really feel like Im in the best shape Ive been in probably ever, even when I was thinner & younger. So two months ago, I promised myself that I was going to run my local Ys 5K this weekend. (My hubs is an avid runner and is training now for another 1/2 marathon and he inspired me.) Well, life happened & I didnt get to "train"--I was intending to use C25K--. My kids were sick-one in the hospital- and I just never did it. I do high intensity Cardio an hour and a half to two hours everyday except Sunday and occasionally have run on the treadmill at 5.2 mph when I have a little extra time after my classes.

I promised myself I would do it and Im not going to let "life" get in my way! Worst case scenario-Ill hate it and myself and realize how hard I have to get working for the next one, May 1. Best case-I think , "Hey that wasnt so bad." and train better for the next one.

Do you have any tips for me? Any at all....


  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    Do it!!! I was so worried about mine too. Once you are out there with all the other runners its like they keep you going. Look at it as practice :) Since you are doing another one that you know you will train for just look at this one as for fun..and youll get a shirt out of the deal right? Trust me you will do better than you think you will. Cant wait to hear how you did i know you are gonna rock it!
  • chantalicious
    You will not hate it and if you have to stop and walk then stop and walk. I just did my first one a week ago and I ran it in 27 minutes I totally surprised myself.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    So you haven't been doing any running?

    Your hubby can tell you that on race day you don't want to try anything new. Wear clothes that you know are comfortable and a breakfast that you know will sit well.

    Warm up.

    If it's going to be chilly in your area, wear a garbage bag as a jacket so you can just throw it off at the start.

    Find a position in the middle or back of the pack when lining up.

    And then start out much more slowly than you think you need to. With so many people around you (some of whom will run this race in 15 minutes) and all that adrenaline, starting out too fast is quite easy to do. There will be mile markers at each mile. Take stock of how you're feeling and whether you think you can sustain your pace so far.

    Don't be afraid to take walk breaks. You don't need water or anything else during a race this short.

    Have fun! :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Triple check your shoe laces! Mine came untied 3/4 of a mile into my last 5k. Could have been avoided if I'd thought to check them before the gun sounded.
    Don't go out too fast. You are racing yourself and no one else.
    Finish strong
    Be proud of your time no matter what it is. It's too easy to say "Man, I wish it was X mins faster", and that takes away from the joy of racing.
    Stretch before and after (going for a long walk afterwards is going to make you a much happier person the day after)
    Don't eat within 2 hours of the race. If your race is at 8, eat breakfast at 6. This will give it time to settle. Personally, I prefer to run 5Ks on an empty stomach and refuel after.
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    You'll be fine. You look in better shape than me and a month ago I ran my first 5K and it took me 46 minutes - no training. I must admit I walked most of it, but I was okay with that. If you walk the whole thing, you'll be done in an hour, so don't worry, just enjoy getting out and moving. :)
  • HelenTheKitchen
    Don't push yourself, you're looking to finish not to win. So even if you have to jog the whole thing, or walk a little you'll still be super proud when you cross the finish line. Don't push yourself too hard, you don't want to hurt yourself. If you need to walk a little, walk, no one will care. Best of luck, and I I love your determination.
  • SaraEWrig
    SaraEWrig Posts: 88 Member
    Make sure you eat some complex carbs before you run to keep your stamina up. Also - most everyone running will DART OUT at the start line and make a bee line for the route. Hang back, find your pace and then confidently pass them one by one. :) The energy at the beginning of a race is crazy - people go like mad - but don't get wrapped up in the jumpy-start people, just find your pace and run comfortably and STRONGLY.
  • julybugg
    julybugg Posts: 10
    I ran my 1st 5k a few weeks ago & Loved it! I was so proud just to finish the race. My time was 40 min and I was really happy with it. (I am not a runner nor did I "train" by running for the race) I had no idea how long to judge it on since I had never done anything like this. I ran as much as I could- and didn't worry about walking when I needed to! It was just for fun... Next time I'll improve my time- and I have already signed up for a race in May! Do make sure to stretch really well before and after- I didn't do near enough stretching...

    Good job for signing up!
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Thank you everyone! IT WAS AWESOME! I finished in 39:04 at a pace of 12:48. I would have liked to have done better timewise--Im never happy ;) -- but I did meet my goal of not walking! I am so looking forward to the next race on May 1. Whoever said watch out, its addicting was right! Now that Im proven to myself that I can do it, I cant wait to improve my times!