Weight Loss Challenge, Lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks before Mother'

Wanna lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks?

Join the Mdesider Weight Loss Challenge, Lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks before Mother's Day!

Look amazing on Mother's Day and get fit before the holidays arrive and sabotage your weight loss efforts!

Weight Loss Challenge Page -


Looking for meal ideas? Visit my blog


So for you to be able to participate in this challenge you need to add me as your friend since I will let you know about videos that you could watch or recipes that you can cook in order to reach your goals, and follow me on my blog.
Those who participate the more actively and inspirational for the other viewers will WIN a GRAND PRIZE!!

So this challenge is about Losing 10 Lb before Mother's Day

So every week I will post on my blog 2 to 3 challenges that you should complete (if you want to)

So for week #1 which starts tomorrow check my blog!!!


see you there!!!!


Weight Loss Challenge- Week #1
Eat a clean Breakfast - Start your day on the right foot. So drink 16 oz of water and then eat breakfast. So something like Oatmeal or a Smoothie.
Eat a Pre-Plan snack. A lot times people snack on things that they are craving and a lot times leads to over eating. So pre plan every day which snack you will eat, and eat just that.
Write down everything that you eat (Easy for myfitnesspal.com users), including anything that you eat on the weekends. So this includes every drink you order at a bar, anything that you eat after you get home from the bar and even the samples you get at the mall or Costco.
So try doing these things this week and if you have a myfitnesspal.com account, a blog or a youtube channel I encourage you to post your own challenges and how you are trying to do them so that counts as participating.

So I encourage you all to participate in this challenge. So i will see you soon!!! Good Luck!!!

p.s : Don't forget to send me your SW and GW (by the date) & A picture of yourself before this challenge!

week #2 coming this monday


  • mdesider
    mdesider Posts: 28
    there will be 3 weight ins

    1st one 04/01/2011

    2nd one 04/22/2011

    3rd and final 05/09/2011