I'm new here, looking for some motivation :)

Thought I'd introduce myself, maybe find some people to add as friends and get some more encouragement!

A little about me....

Well my name is Kelsey, I"m 19 years old and live in Florida (currently going to UF). I'm 5'6 and currently 140 lbs. I want to get down to about 110-120. I've had the myfitnesspal app on my phone for awhile now, but only just recently have I decided to get really serious about it. I want to lose 20-30 lbs over the summer that way I can come back to school and look awesome!
My biggest problem so far is not having much self control when nighttime comes. I do so well during the day, but then I just binge at night and end up eating way too much. :/ That's what I really need to work my hardest on!

So if anyone would like to add me or friend me or whatever it's called, go ahead and do so!


  • lmw1963
    lmw1963 Posts: 4
    Try eating 6 small meals a day. That way you get something to eat at night and you don't feel so deprived. You can split your calories up over the day and have a nice healthy snack at night. It is working for me! lawannamom:bigsmile:
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    Welcome to the site. It's a great place to get motivation and support from in my opinion. I know I'm more motivated now than when I started.

    My story's pretty much the same as yours, had the app for a while, playing with it occasionally, but just under two weeks ago I decided to get serious with weight loss. The only major difference is I had to lose 140lbs. That and I'm 28 of course.

    My biggest problem has been eating enough calories to make my weight loss healthy and not send my body into starvation mode where it holds onto as many calories as it possibly can.

    As to your problem, I find it helps that I check my available calories before every meal and before I get a snack, to see if it's worth it.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Is that a healthy weight range for you?? Just seems small
  • ambee0803
    ambee0803 Posts: 89 Member
    When I was your age I weighed 130 and I'm 5'7. I looked really good. So unless you have a very small frame I wouldn't reccomend losing that much weight. I got down to 120 and looked sick and I think you probably would too. Maybe go for loosing 10 lbs?
    Do you live alone or with your parents? If you live on your own don't buy junk food and then it will be a little harder to binge. If you just cant avoid eating late at night eat fruit or vegetables.
    You can do it and it should be fairly easy since you're young and don't have alot to loose.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome, I think your weight loss goal is a little excessive. I am 5'4" and when I went down below 110 It wasn't pretty.
    Be careful and make sure your doing it for the right reasons. It's about being healthy.
  • kelseyp130
    Wow thanks for all the responses everyone!
    110 is really just the minimum I'd go for, if I still wasn't happy at 120. But I think I will be. Thanks for the concern though!
    I live on my own, and I'm really good about not buying junk food. I'm huge into egg whites and 10-cal jellos lol. And I've even started acquiring a taste for salad, which I used to hate, but I will probably eat for lunch today.
    I tend to binge mostly when I'm with my friends. Just need to build up my willpower some more.
    So yeah thanks for all the new friends!
  • Kaylajama
    I love to eat at night. It is so hard watching television with my husband, seeing all the fast food commercials, and then just sitting there trying not to drool:( I hope we can work through that obsession so that our bodies can function better and we can get healthier, and happier:D