So what made you start?

mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
For me this all started as a joke. Its quite funny, I was the party guy, out every night smoked like a forest fire. Then one day my friend brought up the idea. Mike, i bet you can not go with out drinking smoking or sex for more then a weekend. so i pledged not to let my demons get the best of me until i lose 30 lbs. I haven't had a drink or a smoke since. and well i guess I'm on my way.

I find myself enjoying eating better and going to the gym. I know this is going to be a life long change.

My first goal is 30 but i want to lose about 100.


  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I grew up being very active and athletic. Got married, had four kids (the last two 11 months apart). Once they started sleeping through the night I looked in the mirror and realized I still looked pregnant. I realized that I was winded walking up and down stairs, that I didn't want to bend over and pick something up off of the floor. I found this site as a way to track calories and it has turned into so much more than that.
  • Hiya,welcome to MFP, its a great site for support, good for you deciding to make a change whether it started as a joke or not, you seem to have the right frame of mind to reach your goals, good luck xx
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    Hiya,welcome to MFP, its a great site for support, good for you deciding to make a change whether it started as a joke or not, you seem to have the right frame of mind to reach your goals, good luck xx

    I am on here more then Facebook... lol... its an amazing site... and i love to see all the before and after pix... it really makes it hard to give up.
  • i had a little boy 5 months ago and although ive always been big i decided i want to be healthy and a good role model for my son!
  • Craigcf
    Craigcf Posts: 20 Member
    I was fed up of bumping into people I'd not seen for a while, and their first reaction was something along the lines of 'God, you've put some weight on, haven't you?'. That, and the fact that I was struggling to fit in my favourite clothes.

    I've been on here for about 6 weeks now, and have lost 1 3/4 stones (22 Lbs). And I agree with your comment about facebook- at least this site has a point.
  • I've always struggled with weight!

    I lost 5 stone, then put a stone back on, lost, put on, lost, put on, etc I think you get the picture! :)

    But the fact that I can keep track of everything that I am eating is helping me to sort my life out! lol I am trying to lose weight for my friend's wedding in June, and having other people that are all doing the same thing in one place is really inspiring.

    Go team weight loss. haha x
  • SugarNtheRaw
    SugarNtheRaw Posts: 191 Member
    It really started with fire-fighting, and being a Vol. EMT. There is only so much room in turnout gear for your *kitten*, and the fact that I couldn't see past my boobs. Not my stomach... Just my boobs. Paying $80 for a decent bra also pissed me off. So I decided it was time to quit my *****in' and take a literal hike! And cause I want to make my husband asthmatic on command. Whole list of reasons to do it, so I'm doing it! Congrats on being on here, too!!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    I went on holiday in 2007. I knew I was big but the pictures were the proof - was that fat girl really me? It took me a while to work out where to start so I started seeing a personal trainer in 2008 and lost quite a lot of weight but then I got a boyf and gained back 14lbs. After we broke up I joined MFP and now I'm 1lb from target. Having lost 64lbs since that holiday I'm happy to almost be where I want to be! :drinker:
  • My boyfriend started losing weight last July, and so far has lost 10kilos. I started with him, but gave up within a couple of days. Once I got my new Iphone4 I started playing with the apps and thought a diet one might help me. I've never found it so easy to keep a log of what I'm eating
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I caught my husband cheating the day after Valentines day, I joined MFP on March 22nd. I had a month of drinking , crying, being angry. I knew I had gained weight in the last few years but had no idea how much. I went and bought a scale and cried when I saw that I had gained 60 pounds in the last three years, I imagined lugging around a 50 pound sack of potatoes every day. Something clicked I joined this site and have been so motivated and eating healthy. I have lost 5 pounds so far and know that I have it in me to do this once and for all.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    i gt directed here from runners world was just looking for tips as am doing a 10k in july, so originally thgt it was some kind of fitness site :smile:
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    I defiantly know how you feel... I ended a 2 and a half year relationship because i caught my boyfriend cheating... it is not a good feeling... and it happened to be around my 21st birthday... Thats when i started drinking. I think from mid nov. till i started on MFP on march 1st I was at a bar/club every night except maybe 7 nights. Then around Valentines day my best friend and I started talking about a relationship... we kind of made it official and he did the same thing as my ex... I kind of went through that "is it me" Phase... and quickly realized... yes it was... I pick the dumb A$$es that dont know what they had till it was gone.

    It was a crazy time... but i haven't drank since and im enjoying being 18+ pounds lighter... I am over it... Both have expressed their apologizes and frankly i just dont care... the opposite of love is not hate... it is indifference.

    And why do i feel like i just spiled a very large bag of beans on the floor =/
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    ok for me I knew it was a time for a change. since i got out of the U.S. Marines in 1990 i think i have gained 40-50 pounds. think it really sucks when your on a long drive and your pants are rolled over the top because your belly is pushing them
    also with a really active 7 year old I need to keep up. and I knew i can't just consume what I wanted to or felt like with out feeling the effects of that decision. so i gave up fast food, i really never was a big soda drinker but gave that up too. since i started in January I have lost 17 pounds, and now weigh 205. I am hope to one day weigh about 185.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Probably because you've been honest and that takes balls. Whatever it took for you to change your attitude towards your life it can only be a positive thing. You have to love yourself before someone else can love you - admittedly these guys seem like total dumbasses anyway! Look after yourself and be a little selfish in terms of working else what's best for you before entering into another relationship. Good luck x
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I saw a picture of myself and I thought "Holy moly, and I THAT fat...?" :noway:


    I was 301 lbs :sad:

    I started to ride my bicycle again, then I found this site, my wife had suggested an app for my iPhone, but it was in Japanese and hard from me to use (we live in Tokyo) so I looked around and I found the app for MFP and the rest is history!
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    Probably because you've been honest and that takes balls. Whatever it took for you to change your attitude towards your life it can only be a positive thing. You have to love yourself before someone else can love you - admittedly these guys seem like total dumbasses anyway! Look after yourself and be a little selfish in terms of working else what's best for you before entering into another relationship. Good luck x

    Aww!!! I am so adding you now. lol
  • Good for you on making the change. I was told about here through a diet section of a mums forum. I have always hated things like Facebook but I'm do addicted to here. I have always been over weight and since having three children (youngest 6months) and knowing that's it for me I have decided to make the change. Im 28 and want to go into my thirtys a new person and to set a good example for my kids.
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    Its funny... when i was younger i was tiny... like super thin... I think my doc gave me fat pills and they worked too well.

    ^^^Thats my story and im sticking to it...
  • Its funny... when i was younger i was tiny... like super thin... I think my doc gave me fat pills and they worked too well.

    ^^^Thats my story and im sticking to it...

    I love that that is your story... I get to blame my kids... when I was pregnant they told me to eat all the extra chocolate
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I'd been wanting to lose weight(and needing) for a long time. I didn't have the strength to do it on my own so I delayed starting until my brother and sister-n-law were on board(we live together). I had been seeing a weight loss doctor and keeping track of my calories by writing them down in a food journal. Well, to shorten the story, one night I was surfing one of my favorite mma websites and reading the diet & nutrition section. Someone mentioned this site and the rest is history. Keeping up with my food intake and calories burned has never been so easy.
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