
So I've been working out 6 days a week (pretty much consistently) for the last 14 months. I've had a busy day today and need to relax and have spent the last hour agonizing about not going to the gym today. I don't really want to go but I am feeling guilty about not going. It seems silly, I workout really hard every time I go but not going is niggling at me. I know you could say just go but to be honest, I really need the time to get my house in order, sleep (!) and spend time with my H2B.
Thanks for listening, just needed to offload!!!!!!!


  • ericchastain
    ericchastain Posts: 24 Member
    I think the fact that you feel guilty means you've made some great decisions in getting to the gym so regularly, having said that obsession is obsession whether it's manifested in overeating or overexercising. Balance is key to happiness so chill out, have a drink or two, and remember you have a life outside of your fitness goals. :)
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I went through this the other day myself ... and I ended up not "exercising" but took a 30 minute walk with the dog - not much but it got my blood flowing, erased the guilt and it was a nice quality time!

    You've done an amazing job thus far, I don't think you should see one day off as a bad thing but part of life. Sometimes we have to clean the house!
  • patjad
    patjad Posts: 55 Member
    I used to think EXACTLY like you, trust me!!
    HOWEVER, after making myself take a break once a week i realize how much better it is for me.
    After taking a day off I feel alot more energized the next day and am able to do that much more.
    I know in your head youre thinking one day off will add on pounds or make you back track in progress, but trust me---take a break! Your body really does need a day of rest to recuperate.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks all!