Soda. Diet or regular??



  • jojokacz
    jojokacz Posts: 13
    I believe you can wean yourself off of soda, I did! I used to have a 3 to 4 can a day habit of diet mountain dew. When I would do a driving trip, it would be 10 cans to get me to Memphis is 10 hours. I've be flying when I got out of the car. Google Nutri-sweet and Slenda, these additives are really bad for you. Nutrisweet poisoning can mask itself to look like symptoms of lupis, besides other issues it can do to your health. Regular soda has too much sugar in it, which is not healthy either. Drink water (I know, how boring), but it cleanses you and washes the impurities and fat out of you. If you need some flavor in your water, wash off a lemon, lime or orange, then slice it up and squeeze a little into the water and rub the rind on the edge of your will have flavor then.

    PS I stopped cold turkey, I did have withdrawal - it felt like I got beat up from the inside out. It has been over 8 years since I've been addidted to soda. In the long run you will feel better too!:happy:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I used to drink 2L a day (a big bottle) of regular pop. I gave it up for 40 days last year cold turkey and I immediately dropped 25 lbs with little effort. I don't drink it every day, usually only when we eat out although I'm moving more and more just asking for water with my meals. I feel less sluggish and actually don't crave it in any form anymore. When I do get pop, I do get Coke Zero only because I'm IR and sugar sends my insulin into overdrive and it doesn't turn off. I'm reading more and more though that intake of the sugar substitutes are registered by our bodies as toxins, which causes the metabolism to slow down. One of the functions of body fat is to store toxins away from the organs where they could cause damage. By continuing to consume them, we're actually encouraging the body to store the toxins into new fat cells......that sounds like the opposite of what I'm trying to do.....

    Some of the sites I've been reading: substitutes.htm
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    If you are going to have one, have a regular soda. Even better, find the kind made with real sugar instead of HFCS.

    If you need a replacement that is natural, I love Izze. It's fruit juice mixed with sparkling water. Amazing, no added sweeteners, the only down side is that there isn't any caffeine. But they are fizzy and hit that spot!

    Awesome. Do they sell that in grocery stores?

    Yep. At least, they do around here. They are in the same aisle as soda. They are more expensive, of course, but when they are on sale you can get a 4 pack of 16oz bottles for like $3, or at Kroger they go on sale 10 for $10 (in the small cans).

    Edited to add: I forgot! I also found them at Sams and they were a great deal there, I think I paid $9 for a 16 pack of bottles.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    You could also buy or make the fruit juice and add sparkling water ;) Just make sure to check the sugars if that's the reason that you went off regular pop in the first place
  • sepogoro
    sepogoro Posts: 4 Member
    i am with you on the 'needing' a soda a day...this summer when fruit is cheaper i'm going to attempt making my own 'soda'. my friend did this with is the link to the can use any fruit or flavor...

    good luck!
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    I was totally addicted to diet soda (probably at least 3 cans a day).... and completely cut them out. Now I drink water with a wedge of lemon in it. I feel SO much better .... less bloated, fewer to NO cravings for sweets etc. I vote for cutting all sodas out. If I can do it, you can too!! ;)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    When my ex mom n law got cancer, her doctor said "no matter what drink regular pop and stay away from diet, its loaded with chemicals" he also said she shouldn't be drinking pop at all, but if she had to, to drink full calorie regular.

    I don't drink pop, I barely ever drink anything except water. The occasional cup of milk, oj, or vitamin juice.
    For every cup of pop u drink, u need to drink a cup of water to replace it. Same with coffee, or any caffinated drink. They dehydrate ur body and its key to weight loss to have enough water.

    That being said, take ur weight divide it by 15...whatever that equals is the number of cups of water ur body needs
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    Buy a bottle of seltzer water and mix 2-3oz of (unsweetened, natural) juice into it. It'll kill your body's sugar cravings, provide way more nutrients, and be way lower on the calorie scale. A 12oz glass of seltzer water with half a lemon squeezed into it is a whopping 30-or-so calories and tastes WAY better than Sprite or 7up. :)
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    An addendum: diet soda will kill you due to the aspertame. Regular soda will kill you slower due to the HFCS. Avoid bottled/brand-name soda unless it's got natural sugar. There are options out there for such.
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