What to eat on workout mornings

kimeister Posts: 212
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I'm struggling to find the right breakfast on workout mornings and could use some suggestions.

I only work out in the morning one day a week, and on that day I can never seem to find the breakfast that's not too much food but also gives me enough energy. Last week I tried just having some chocolate soy milk prior to my workout, which is my usual pre-workout intake. It works great for me on the days when I'm going straight from work to the gym at the end of the work day, but it wasn't enough on a Saturday morning when I woke up hungry. Today I tried some scrambled eggs with veggies and a small serving of homemade shredded potatoes (for carbs) and I went into the workout feeling weighed down.

I could use some suggestions on what to eat before working out in the morning. Please note that I'm vegetarian, so meat dishes aren't an option.



  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    I never eat a big meal just before a workout as it hits me like a stone in the stomach. Why not just try and have something light like a yoghurt and banana before ur work out and have ur meal after the workout?
  • srhdwll
    srhdwll Posts: 65
    This is a great question! I need to switch my workouts to the mornings, the latest I should be at the gym is 10, because the daycare closes from noon-4. I work nights, my gym is 24 hours, so I have been going right from work, which makes for very tired mornings with my 2 year old!

    I was thinking about this last night. Do I drink my coffee on the way to the gym? Have coffee at home and then go? Oatmeal? Fruit? I'm a vegetarian too and trying to stop eating eggs, I was vegan for 5 years and I feel guilty when I eat them, ha.
  • I'm a HUGE fan of protein shakes. I had breakfast issues before I started working out - either wouldn't eat them, or would and not feel well. Now I just have a protein shake, and I feel fabulous and FULL for hours. If you get one with micellar casein, it will "clot" in your stomach, allowing you to feel fuller longer without making you nauseous. It's simply a milk byproduct.
  • I like to eat a small amount of yogurt with about 1/3 cup healthy low sugar granola make it even better by adding fresh apple, bananna or berries. Very satisfying and full of protein to help start the day off right. I also enjoy making a pre workout smoothie with lots of fruit , rice milk and a tbsp of peanut butter. yum!
  • GingerKid
    GingerKid Posts: 86
    I've been eating those Chobani greek yogurts and that seems to really suit me. It's enough energy to get me through the sweet hell my trainers like to inflict on me, but not too much that it wants to come back up and spew. I usually add a bit of granola for the 'crunch' factor. :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Oatmeal with some fresh fruit is a great choice. Yogurt and a banana is another good choice!
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    I will also vote for yogurt and a small serving of fruit.

    I think you have to play around with it and see what works best for you. I know that I need something bigger before I swim or I run out of steam halfway through. When I run, though, I need something really light or my stomach will hurt. It took some trial and error before learning that, though! So change things up and see what works best for you!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I eat a protein shake. Well, I guess I don't actually EAT it. :laugh: I might also add in a banana or something like that if I find the shake just isn't enough.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i usually eat oatmeal.
  • kimeister
    kimeister Posts: 212
    @glowinthedark82 Good to meet a fellow veg. There doesn't seem to be a lot of us around.

    That sounds like a tough routine. Good on you for sticking with it!

    Regarding coffee, it can act like a diuretic for some and could dehydrate you during your workout. My gym actually offers coffee in the mornings so that members can have coffee afterward. Obviously it's different for everyone, but it would be something to watch out for.

    As for eggs, I stopped eating them until I could buy them locally from a local source I could confirm was ethical. Otherwise I would be egg-less again!
  • kimeister
    kimeister Posts: 212
    Thanks for the suggestions. Homemade oatmeal and fresh fruit are my usual breakfast but seemed to heavy before a morning workout. I like the idea of the yogurt and fruit, though. I'll give that a try and possibly tweak with granola.

    Thanks for your ideas, everyone!
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