Who'd have thunk? Swapping Candy Bars for Chocolate Almond B

Disclaimer- Not seeking permission to indulge- just so you know why I'm asking.

I have a weakness for candy bars- Snickers/ Reese's cups especially.

I NEVER thought- in a MILLION years- I'd find something that satisfies my sweet tooth, but I did.
A 1/2 banana w/ Marantha Dark Chocolate Almond Spread and/or Almond Butter is working!

However, I compared the calories, fat grams, carbs & protein
between a 2.07 Snickers candy bar OR 2 pack Reese's cup with my banana snack w/ 1/2 T. each of the 2 spreads
Here's what I discovered when I looked at it side by side :

SWAPPING Snickers for my banana treat- I'm saving 50 calories, and 11 g. of carbs. Fat grams are 1 gram higher, same am't protein.
SWAPPING 2 Reese Cups- I'm gaining 20 calories, gaining 2 fat g. and an equal # carbs and protein.

So, while psychologically I was feeling victorious- I gotta ask :
Is this really a good trade off? it seems like the same snack after you add it all up....<groan>


  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I would say yes. You are eating cleaner foods and getting better nutrients from the banana and almonds than the candy bars.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    very interestesting....at least, the banana has nutrients
  • kirstinkrueger
    Hmmm never thought about things that way. I would stick with the banana cause at least then you are getting vitamins and minerals the candy doesnt have and keeping away from refined sugar. hae you tried the fiber one bars? those and the skinny cow ice cream bars are a good 100cal sweet tooth helper
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    with the snickers i'd say yes but the reese's most of that is peanut butter which is a healthy snack and a LITTLE chocolate is not that bad. as long as it's within your cals and a small portion.
  • dawnkitchen
    dawnkitchen Posts: 161
    Yes, definitely a good trade off it if it were my choice. Better vitamins and nutrients with healthier fats with the almond butters and banana versus the processed sweets.
  • summer_anne
    your body and metabolism know how to use the natural sugars and nutrients from the banana and almond butter.
    the candy gives you nothing....
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    So what if I eat a candy bar and pop a multi-vitamin? does that even it out? haha
  • pinkie55
    pinkie55 Posts: 18
    Just curious....how do the grams of sugar compare. You're probably better off with the banana choice and you're also getting in a fruit serving for the day.

    Good for you to be trying to find heathier swaps and reading those labels.
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I'd stick with the banana and spread, just because they are as "refined", ya know? More natural. I like whoever said it was cleaner....definately. :) Great swap!