Ankle Injury: Exercise or not?

Its not been long since I have come to my senses, the need to get fit and lose weight.

I have been doing between 3/4 wokouts at the gym and with a session at home: for the last few weeks, and finally I have actually started enjoying keeping fitness (big thanks to MFP as its helped on the nutrition side).

But now I am worried since hurting around the ankle area (which originated two days ago from doing simple househld chores - yes i know laughable!!) it will prevent me from doing much exercise and I am worried I may fall back into old ways again!
I just cant help feel nervous about it!

To be honest I didnt help myself as i continued to go to gym since hurting the ankle, two days in ago, and i think i may have aggravated it - stupid of me but i just wanted to go for a run!!!! No doubt I will be resting it for next few days, so in the meanime light exercise? Any particular equipment can I use? I was thinking perhaps the cross trainer or even stationary cycle. I guess i will have to trial and test......


  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    Hi, Sorry to hear about your ankle. I injured my ankle roughly a month ago. I am currently in my 11th week of Turbo Fire; all that jumping around can do a number on the joints.
    Anywhoo, when I injured it I rested it for a week (R I C E = Rest Ice Compression Elevation). This did wonders for me. I did a shlew of mat workouts and core workouts.
    Pull out a yoga mat, dumb bells and resistance bands.

    Feel better soon.
  • keegrsmom
    keegrsmom Posts: 27
    Try doing some activities that are easier on your ankle. Stationary bike is a good one, swimmimg, yoga, things of this type. Avoid treadmill and elliptical until ankle feels better.
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    Since you should only do cardio 4 days a week maybe you could do some strength training while you give your ankle a chance to rest.

    The trainers at my gym told me I should be doing strength training 3 times a week and it has made such a great difference in losing body measurements!

    If your gym has strength training equipment (weights) maybe you could do upper body work outs for your arms, chest and abs. I do upper body one day and lower body another day of the week in between my cardio.

    You could also do some floor exercises like simple leg raises, working the hips, and stretching. Also, if you have small weights at home you can do waist and arm exercises which is adding a day of aerobic movement to your routine with out the use of your ankle. The following link is a great site that will give you some ideas and it explains how to do the exercises step by step.

    I hope that helps :)
  • Hannahrenee86
    I just injured my ankle again (2nd time in twenty days). I plan on taking tomorrow as a rest day and then will do my 3 days of strength (MWF). I am going to then see how the ankle is and how much pressure I can put on it.

    Definitely use the RICE technique and try not to do too much.
  • giggles007
    giggles007 Posts: 22 Member
    Brilliant advise guys, thanks loads. It's great to hear from people who can give support and motivate you. I shall defo continue with exercise but mainly using weights, mats and perhaps yoga. Bring in the variation! :heart:
  • gozdeh
    gozdeh Posts: 59
    Sorry to hear about your ankle! I myself hurt both my ankles back in Feb when i decided to walk 20 KM! Yeah very silly of me! I took Ibuprofen to stop the swelling and it really helped. My left ankle was good last week and the right ankle is just getting better now. Stay off the ankle as much *kitten* you can. Swimming, yoga, floor exercises are all good. You can do the stationary bike in the air lying down. Its great to trim up those abs! You would be surprised!!!! Hope you will get better soon. Hugs!
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    get in a wide (but low) squat position and get a pair of 3lb hand weights and do punches, add a little torso twist in there and you're also working abs :) gets your heart rate up with no impact on your ankle.