Hello ^_^

Sarawoods Posts: 111 Member
Hi! I'm Sarah, I'm 28, and I'm a mom of 2!
I am 217 lbs, I have been this weight about 6 years. I was so used to eating tacos and drinking a 12 pack of cokes when I was younger I guess as I aged I assumed my metabolism wouldn't change. I have a wonderful husband, we've been married 10 years and he tells me I'm beautiful and perfect every day... This is a problem lol ^_^ .. I noticed the past few month's My oldest son is now over weight. It made me very sad the day my son came home and told me he was made fun of for being fat. A child should not have to worry about his weight, SO I put him in Karate, I got US a Wii Fit plus and some dance games and we walk a mile ( we will increase in time) on days without Karate practice. Our new years resolution is to eat fast food only once a month ( a goal we are still trying to achieve ) -_-.. Im trying more home cooking and less processed and fatty foods!! .. My biggest MOST HUGEST (lol) problem is Coka cola... I love it in the summer.. I need the most help with that :D I'm a house wife so I have all the time in the world I just don't utilize it :( I need motivation when I'm home alone ^_^ well that's me I'm pretty outgoing and such so It's nice to meet you all!!


  • Patecakers
    I recently have joined and I swore off pop....especially brown pop like pepsi and coke....what helped me stay away from it is the fact that if you have (there was research done on this and it actually works....disgusting but true!) a nasty ring around your bathtub drain just use pepsi or coke with a scouring pad and the ring will go away.....I read this and asked myself "JUST WHAT EXACTLY AM I PUTTING INTO MY BODY?!" That was a real eye-opener for me and I hope reading this will open your eyes as well!!
    Now when I feel I need a beverage other than water I go for ginger ale or iced tea over any other kind of pop....even diet pop is bad for your body!

    Good luck to you and to your son on your weight loss journey! I've realized that having a diet buddy and/or support system like the one I found here is the best motivator to getting me to drop the pounds! If you'd like to friend request me feel free!!! I love having more people to change my lifestyle with!!!!
  • gloria581
    gloria581 Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome to MFP Sarah. This is a wonderful website and it has helped all of us lose weight and get back some of our lives. I have personally lost 30 pounds, much of it due to MFP. There are some very great and supportive people on here that are always willing to provide you the motivation and support you need. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • eorourke23
    Hi sarah, I love your story, I can truly relate to it, I have 2 daughters who have left home so I cant control there weights but we are all doing this MFP for ourselves, no one else. We have just started but mean to go on and my scales are so far going the right way, :) ok we had a takeaway on friday but hey ho get over it and move on to the next day, thats my way of thinking about it, I personally think if you dont treat you cheat :) and one treat a week aint bad, considering I used to have treats every single day, morning noon and night lol. My youngest son has just started his easter holidays and I was worried that I would miss out on my wii exercised, ( I like the wii fit aerobics, really gets your heart rate up ) but after reading your story we will be walking every single day, wether he likes it or not lol. It will benefit both of us anyway because he would be sitting in front of the xbox for a fortnight if he had his own way. Anyway, it was lovely reading your story it has gave me real motivation, if you wish add me, as I say I havent been on MFP for long, P.S YOU GO GIRL :)
  • Sarawoods
    Sarawoods Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes!! were ready to get this started :D Im glad there are some people out there like me ^_^