New...struggling w/the last 10#...would love partners in thi

As stated above, I'm trying to lose the last ten pounds, and it's been a struggle for the past several years. I can get it down, but then it comes back w/in 2 weeks if I don't pay attention. I'm getting into my 30's, so metabolism is making it harder. Would love to befriend some other ladies whom are working to get these pounds off and burn the cellulite. I work in the psych field, and am totally open to helping others whom are looking to lose even more. I just want to make it clear that I could use some STRENUOUS support from others in my position, but don't discriminate RE: having to lose even more! In fact, that's more fun b/c it's easier and more noticeable! Thanks for reading and I look forward to the supportive environment!


  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Same here ,trying to lose the last ten pounds and it's going so slow,i'll be here if u need any support and motivation, add me as a friend if u like, heres to losing the last ten:drinker:
  • HighRearGisele
    Heck yea! Thanks so much! I've started a new plan to get up at 4:30am to get to the gym. Have only been doing what I would call mild cardio approx 2x/wk, so this is going to be a big deal. I finally decided I can't keep doing this planning to do it in the a.m., then planning to do at night, then too tired and planning for the a.m., and being miserable daily! Gonna have to lay off the food, too. What's your plan RE: changes you know you need to make to do this? Just got registered on this so will look RE: adding as a friend. Thanks again.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Currently i am doing Turbo Fire 6 times a week and rest on sunday but if i'm bored i will do some sort of cardio, i stick to 1300 calories a day, and try not to eat anything fried, i need to eat more healthy foods but it's hard because i am in another state visiting my bf,so i just try to stick with lean cuisines and subway lol, how many calories are u eating , and what are your long term goals:flowerforyou:
  • HighRearGisele
    Wow, I hope that Turbo Fire does it. Never heard of that, but sounds like a good fat burner. The fitness pal told me to do 1200 cals, so that's what I started today. Haven't kept up w/it EVER like I am doing now. It's a lot of trouble, but I'm ready to get scientific to accomplish my goals. Long term is just to get to between 110 and 112, get the fat off my butt and legs, firm it all up, and live that figure until I'm too old to do it anymore. I'm a vegetarian, and I have learned to eat lots of veggies and other low cal stuff on-the-go, so you might look at my food log (over time, I just started today) for other easy stuff to eat. I do microwave meals during the week at work, so I know how old that can get.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I'm trying to to get some ripped abs and fabulous arms, i was at my goal weight of 120 pounds but for some reason i said it wouldn't hurt to eat a krispie cream doughnut that lead to 3 more , and so i binged for almost a whole week so this time i'm sticking to it, i want to be able to wear a bikini without feeling uncomfortable about my stomach and taking pictures in a bikini ,we can do this together i'm here for u whenever u need me :flowerforyou:
  • HighRearGisele
    Wow, that sounds great! I know what you mean RE: starting a tiny bit and then binging and ruining it! Aaaagghhh! Sounds like you're the type having to work on belly, but my prob is the back of the legs. Gross. The best ab work I've seen is lying on your back, raising legs into the air w/toes pointed toward ceiling, lowering, but keeping legs from touching the ground, and back up again. You could add weights when you get used to that, but it kicks my butt w/o weight. I like that one b/c it really seems to work the entire ab area, and make the upper abs pull up, which helps flatten the lower where your bellybutton is. Really seems to help w/the definition, too. You may already know about that exercise, but thought I'd offer. Anyway, Keep me posted on the ab work you are doing, and I"ll do the same on the legs. Sounds like laying off the food and doing some sweating will be necessary for us both, too. Today's plan is to drink my coffee, go outside for a walk/run (b/c the gym doesn't open until later and I want to do this now), and do upper body today. I did lower body yesterday, so can't today. Arms are flabby so I need to do it anyway!
  • milissiaharriel
    My name is Milissia and its nice to meet you. I am also in the medical field (RMA). Yes its hard to lose weight as you get older. I am currently 30yrs old and its hard. But stay motivated. The hard work will pay off. And this site does help you stay motivated.
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Lady, how long do u do your upper body and lower body workouts for, and do u run or jog?