im new help me do this

hi im new to this website.. and i posted somewhere, but not sure were... i am looking around the site, and im not exactly sure what to do... do i need to read the label on every package of every food i eat ? i weighed much i need oh ummmm want to lose lol and measured myself were i was told to... I need just a little help here if anyone is willing to... thank you for your patience... have a great day everyone.... xo:blushing:


  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Well it all depends on how involved you want to get. So maybe everyone can tell you what they do....

    I weigh in once a week-count all my calories-exercise 4-5 times a week-read forums what I can, but not always.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hi there!
    Welcome to your journey!! This site is great, and you'll find awesome information on the forums. Trust me, there are LOTS of people who are new to all of this!! Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd be happy to help you and support you on your journey!!

  • kristizzle66
    I'm new too. I logged in my information and am following the guidelines as far as calorie consumption and exercise goals everyday. I log in everything I eat and try to stay in the calorie guideline so that I can lose the weight I want. I especially like when you complete your food diary for the day, how it tells you that if everyday was like today (calorie wise) you will be down to _____ weight in 5 weeks. Keeps me coming back to log in and watch what I'm doing so I can reach my goal.

    Good luck. Add me as a friend if you want to stay in touch to encourage each other.

  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    there are some useful threads for newbies at the top of some of the forums - definitely worth reading through those as they help explain a lot!
    good luck :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Welcome and best wishes in your journey. Best of advise for me is if you eat it log it. I exercise pretty much every day but if you dont try for at least three times a week. Like others have said read the forums there is a lot of information there.

    Add me if you like :)
  • angelzxy321
    angelzxy321 Posts: 1,019 Member
    Hi, I just started a few weeks ago myself, in the beginning of March. What's important is that you log all of your food and exercise and MFP will do the rest for you. Most foods you will find are already in the database so you will not have to personally enter every label. You will have to add the ones that are not there if you want to keep your diary accurate though.

    Best of luck reaching your goals and add me if you would like to keep in touch!