Motivation ? :(

I Need some motivation to keep doing what were doing...and reminding me its all gunna be worth it :(


  • Anna19911
    Anna19911 Posts: 141
    Its totally going to be worth it! I'm here for you :)
  • luvlifejen
    luvlifejen Posts: 7 Member
    keep up the good work hun its defo all worth it in the end :) xx
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    c'mon you know its totally worth it!!!...I wish I started sooner!!....take steps forward not back it gets harder if you give up!
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    When I have those moments, I take some time and look through the before and after pictures on this site. They remind me that it is worth it.

    Also, I have my own before pictures that I took last September. I take the identical shot each month - and when I get down, I look at them beside one another. When I struggle to see the difference - since I live in my body every day - this reminds me that I have made progress and to keep going.

    Good Luck and know in your heart that you can do anything you set your mind to!
  • CandiesAndSweets
    CandiesAndSweets Posts: 167 Member
    You are going to be SO HAPPY when you'll reach your goal. You're worth the best results, keep it up! You're doing good and you have us right here in the trenches with you :) xo
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Just think of how far you have come already! This is going to be amazingly worth it! Its a lifestyle change that is going to give you more energy and make YOU happier!!

    Good things in life are never easy, but when you take the harder path its a more gratifying result!
  • Searsh
    Searsh Posts: 27
    Thanks a million ye are the best!! X