What do I do?? *Scale trouble* :(

SpazEMcGee Posts: 55 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm at a loss for what to do. I have no idea which scale to trust! I can't figure out how much I actually weigh because I've weighed on 3 different scales and they all said something different!

The scale that I use at school is one that I bought from wal-mart. It's the general kind that you step on and you can see the little arrow go around the circle and point at how much you weigh. The other day (the day that I weighed on all three scales) It said I weighed 125.

The next scale I used was the one at the doctors office. It's the kind that you step on and you move the weights at the top and then try to balance the arrow in the middle. It said I weighed 130.

The last scale that I used that day was the one at my house. It was also bought at wal-mart but when you step on it, it calculates for a second and then gives you a digital reading. It said I weighed 136.

Now I know there is no way I could've gained 11 pounds in one day! Especially if I didn't have that much to eat. And the scale at home ALWAYS says that it's 10 pounds heavier than the one that I use at school.

I try to reset my scale that I use at school back to exactly zero everytime I use it.

So which scale is right?

Whenever I went home a couple weeks ago my dad said I looked like I was about 132, and that's the day the doctors scale said I was 130 but the home scale said I was 136. This time when I went home, he said I looked about 124 when my scale at school said I was 120 and my home scale said I was 132.

Which scale is right?

Should I add 5 pounds to my scale at school (set the scale to 5 pounds instead of zero) to make it more accurate? Or is the one at my house needing re-zeroed or something?



  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Here's what I do, I bought a digital scale from walmart (health o meter) I weigh myself weekly the same way, I weigh in the morning with no clothes, sorry for the tmi, but that's what I do. You should just stick to one scale, especially if your weighing yourself one time with clothes and another without.
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I'd personally go with the doctors scale. Remember that all scales are different, and at that point it's not a matter of "which one is right" but "how do you feel in your clothes"? If you feel you need to lose more weight, keep going with the lowest lbs scale you have, that way you don't over do it.

    At your weight it should be more about how you feel, and not numbers :)

    Great job!
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    Honestly, I get why you want to know your weight but at the same time, when you're working on losing, it really doesn't matter what the weight itself is, just that you use the same scale to monitor progress.

    I would *guess* that the doctors scale is the most accurate.
  • justevil00
    justevil00 Posts: 11 Member
    my suggestion would be to pick ONE scale and only use it.
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    This is my opinion and I by no means am an expert...but, I would lean towards the dr office scale reading. I think they have to be calibrated every so often? I could be wrong but that's the assumption I have. Also your weight will be different at different times of day. You could also just use the average of the 3...
  • Always weigh yourself on the same scale.....don't use 3 scales.......whatever that scale says is your starting weight and go from there. No two scales are going to weigh you the same.......
  • I tihnk it has something to do with the time that you weigh yourself as well. I always tend to weigh less in the mornings. I would say to try to weigh yourself on different scales but always at the same time (like right in the morning because you are less likely to have the water weight and bloating).
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    You need to worry about the changes in scale values, not the absolute value at any given time, so stick to a single scale that you can use frequently and make sure to pay attention to the changes from day to day rather than what the actual number is!
  • amysambora
    amysambora Posts: 219
    Any of them - you just need to pick one! The only time to get an accurate result on a scale is to weigh yourself first thing in the morning, naked, after going to the bathroom. You probably weighed in at school and at the doctors office at various other times during the day, fully clothed and with food & drink inside you, right? The number on the scale will fluctuate during the day because of this. So I would pick your at-home scale, and not worry too much about what it says. I weighed about 134 for three months but lost a ton of inches during that time. When you're relatively light to begin with, the scale is not the best measure of success.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    You just have to pick one scale and use it. I haven't found two scales that give the same reading yet. Even the two scales at my doctors office which are both the ones you stand on with the sliding weights were a pound or two different.

    Step on the scale 4 or 5 times and use the reading that appears the most.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    - Pick one scale and stick with it
    - Weigh in about the same time...every time (don't vary morning and evening weigh in's). Most people choose A.M. before eating
    - Get a dumbell and test your scale. Set the dumbell on it to see if it's accurately calculating the weight
  • Alison_84
    Alison_84 Posts: 86
    - Get a dumbell and test your scale. Set the dumbell on it to see if it's accurately calculating the weight

    what a great idea!
  • Your DR.'s scale will be the right one, They should have people come in from weights and measurements and calubrate the sales I believe on a yearly basis.
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    - Pick one scale and stick with it
    - Weigh in about the same time...every time (don't vary morning and evening weigh in's). Most people choose A.M. before eating
    - Get a dumbell and test your scale. Set the dumbell on it to see if it's accurately calculating the weight

    ***the drs scale is probably the most accurate, but you won't be using it everyday...I would go with the one at home, but make sure it is zeroed out right first with the dumbell**
  • - Pick one scale and stick with it
    - Weigh in about the same time...every time (don't vary morning and evening weigh in's). Most people choose A.M. before eating
    - Get a dumbell and test your scale. Set the dumbell on it to see if it's accurately calculating the weight

    Exactly what I did (the dumbells). Good thing too cause when flying I let my suitcases get within 2 pounds of the max weight and it's never failed me so far!
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Personally, if scales caused me to feel stressed out, I'd throw them out and measure my inches instead. At least that way you'll never be wrong.
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    I go by what I look like not a scale. pick 1 scale & stick to it.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate during the day.

    The doctor's scale is probably the most accurate, but you've also probably had something to eat before you went to the doctor's, which will add to your weight, and you're wearing clothes. Shoes alone will add a pound or two, nevermind the rest of your clothes.

    Just stick with your own scale, and weigh first thing in the morning, nude or nearly nude, after you go to the bathroom.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I disagree that the doctor's scale is the most accurate. When I went in for a physical once, the nurse told me those scales are the least accurate because they never get re-calibrated! Of course, maybe it was just my doctor's office that neglects getting them reset every year.:wink:

    Stick with one scale and stay with it-at least you'll be consistent!

    Incidently, I had a friend once who never counted her weigh in weight at Weight Watchers. She said the scale there weighed more than the one at her house so her true weight was the lighter one! Whatever works as long as you're consistent!
  • SpazEMcGee
    SpazEMcGee Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh myself at school in the morning nude. yes tmi. lol. but I'm guessing maybe I should just stick with that one? I suppose y'all are right, as long as it changes, the number really doesn't matter. I'll just stick with my scale at school. Maybe set it 3 pounds heavier to be slightly more accurate. Thanks you guys!! :)
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