Need motivation help

I have been on diets for year and years. My best success was on Atkins, but since I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago I am unable to follow Atkins to the amount I have to. I always have a firm commitment in the morning and often by the end of the day I am off plan. I eat whole foods only, on plan and have small portions. I am on 1800 cal/day which would put me on track for 2 lbs/week. I participate in aerobic classes, cardio machines and weights 5 days a week for 60 minutes minimum. With all of this I lose my motivation, not from hunger but from lack of weight loss. I do a lot of self talk which does not help me to stay on plan.

What do you people that are having success do to stay on plan? I have over 100 lbs to lose.


  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    So far I've been able to get down 10lbs and then I stop. But so far I've been doing this for a week, lost about 4lbs and have not lost motivation! But I also have joined a Boot Camp so I can't lose motivation OR I'll die during boot camp days, haha.
  • strattc
    strattc Posts: 2
    Hi flyboy1! It sounds like you've got a good plan, which is the first step - so good for you!
    Some things that have helped me (and continue to help me) is keeping in mind how long it took to put the weight on... for me it was over the course of several years, so I've come to accept that it will come off at about the same rate that it went on - so you're 1-2 lbs. per week sounds very reasonable. I allow one day a week that I can eat whatever I want - that really helps if I'm craving something - I can usually wait until my free day! Also, if you do mess up - don't beat yourself up, tomorrow is another day - and every day is a new opportunity!
    I'm very impressed with all your activity but I can't help but wonder if you're burning yourself out a little bit. I exercise 4 days a week for 30-40 minutes, and walk for at least 30 minutes on the days I'm not exercising - I have found this is totally obtainable for me and therefore I stick to it.
    Most of all, for me they key is never letting myself get hungry - whether it's chopped pineapple, or walnuts or spinach salad with balsamic or an apple, I must eat as soon as I feel remotely hungry and then I don't crave bad things, it allows me to make better food choices because I'm not hungry. I have been with MFP for one month and I have lost 7 pounds, not astounding by any means but it's progress and I feel great, it's changed the way I think about food; it's helped me be more conscious about the food I put into my body - and I honestly feel like it's altered the course of my life for the better.
    Best of luck to you - you CAN do it! Every day is a new beginning!