Juicing 101

I have become a juice-head!

Right now, I am trying varieties like Mango, Pineapple, Celery and Carrot. It's actually pretty good but I normally end up diluting it a bit with water. I also tried a celery, cucumber and apple concoction..not bad

Any other suggestions?


  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    which machine are you using for juicing. I have been thinking of using that but I don't know which kind of machine to start. I have another friend (co-worker) who is also doing this. Good luck!
  • Criolla80
    Criolla80 Posts: 14
    I purchased a cheap-o one by black & decker. I paid $30 for it. Works well but may burn out in a year or two. It gets the job done though for now.
    I don't use a juicer, but I do use a vita-mix. My husbands grandmother gave us one years ago because she wanted to see us eat better and was encouraging us to make whole fruit and veggie juices.

    I don't really do that, but I do make smoothies and one of my favorite things to add is cauliflower cause it adds veggies to my diet without adding color or flavor to my smoothies. I just can't get into the green smoothies that add things like spinach (little or no flavor) to get more veggies, but I just don't like drinking something green. :sick: