How much do i need to burn to lose......



  • cutelashawn
    cutelashawn Posts: 182
    well said!
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    the good news is it's only 3500 calories to burn a pound of fat. when you're burning muscle it's only around 1200 calories a pound.
  • jrt9999
    jrt9999 Posts: 114
    You would need to burn 2,500 calories a day below your maintenance calories. So if you maintained at 2,200 calories per day you could just EAT NOTHING each day and then burn an additional 300 calories a day, which you could do with 45 minutes of cardio. Please come back to this thread in a couple of weeks and let us know how it goes.
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    I don't know anything about what doctors say about this, and I know that a game show is not the best basis for making judgments on these things...but on The Biggest Loser, the contestants lose a ton of weight each week - for weeks and weeks. Obviously they have trainers and doctors and take safety precautions, and I know there are many people who think The Biggest Loser isn't a great way to achieve weight-loss goals...

    ...but it can be done, and many of the contestants are successful and remain successful even when the show is over.

    I definitely realize that The Biggest Loser is totally different from "normal" life, but maybe it is an indication that a person CAN safely lose 5 pounds a week for 2 months? I'm not sure. Just adding my two cents.
    Maybe you need doctors and professionals, etc. in order to do something like that safely...?
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Here are the numbers I used.

    Sex: Female
    Age: 34
    Weight: 108.4 kg
    Height: 159 cm
    Body Fat % Estimation: 41.25%
    Lean Body Mass Estimation: 64 kg
    Fat Mass Estimation: 45 kg

    BMR: 1746 k/cal
    BMR Adjusted for Incidental Exercice: 2094 (walking, talking, showering, shopping, house chores, driving, working etc)

    1 lb = 3500 k/cal
    5 lb = 3500 * 5 = 17500 k/cal
    17500 / 7 days per week = 2500 k/cal per day deficit

    It sounds ugly, dangerous and I can't believe you'd want to do this. The weight didn't appear on you overnight, so you don't want to get rid of it that fast. Make changes in your lifestyle that you can sustain over time. Fad diets do not work and there are thousands of them out there with many more thousands of people who tell you they work. What works is educating yourself about your body, nutrition, a good healthy balanced diet, water intake and exercise. For someone like yourself I'd consider consulting with a nutritionist and/or your doc to make sure you're not overlooking anything which could cause you more harm than good.
  • Salli098
    Salli098 Posts: 7
    i have seen the Dr and the dietition and they are quite happy for me to work at losing that much weight for such a sort time. Im not fad dieting, im sticking to my calories of 1230 cal a day. im drinking more then my 8 glasses water per day. im eating a healthy balanced meal ( to the point where im so full i cant fit anymore in) the only other thing im doing is increasing my exercise. im not going above my limits with exercise, just increasing the intensity a little, and the freqency. as part of this im also trying to go to bed early each night, so my body has more time to rest and recover.

    Above all im doing this as a challenge for me, yes there are a few outside influences which ive factored into it, but over all it is for me. but that is just it, its a challenge, im not going to kill myself trying, but i will work a little harder to try and achieve it. if i dont quite get there, it will be a little disapionting, but im not going to then go out and starve myself to achive it.

    will update with some results.
  • I was told that I would need to burn 3,500 calories in order to lose 1lb of fat and I have proved that this works for me. From my understanding that equates to doing 500 calories worth of exercise daily.....or a daily 500 calorie deficit in food consumption (not adviseable). If you are not eating back all the calories you burn you should lose a 1lb a week...but there are people out there who will tell you that you should eat back the calories....which makes it more confusing.....
    Everybodys metabolism is different due to age/health/weight etc.... so you need to find out what works for you...
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    2,000+ per day at your current diet would get you close to your goal, and I'm sure it will fall off fast at first. But, I would be shocked if:
    1. You were able to keep up 2,000 calories per day of exercise on 1,200 calories food for 8 weeks and
    2. If your weight loss actually stayed at that level, due to your body fighting back, your metabolism slowing down, etc.

    Whatever you do, don't turn to colon cleanses and other bunk products. You're not burning fat with those, only water weight.
  • Salli098
    Salli098 Posts: 7
    well considering ive only been pushing myself since monday, ive lost 1.6 kgs this week. a little short of where i wanted to be but still good.
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