Newbie: Need help with motivation

Hello everyone. I am new here and have heard so many wonderful things. I am wanting to lose quite a bit of weight, I do know it will take awhile and have to maintain it, however, their is a couple problems.

1) No self esteem/self control....I don't know how to get it back trying but so very hard
2) Picky eater...and don't know what meals I can do for my family that are quite kid friendly. I don't like onions, peppers, tomatoes, spicey things.

I want to plan my meals a week in advance to get the stuff...any help would be AMAZING!

I look forward to everyone's help and I will help as much as I can to others :) Thanks for reading this and good luck everyone on your journey! :flowerforyou:


  • fadedflower79
    fadedflower79 Posts: 80 Member
    I meet friends every day to work out - if not or that I would likely bail!! So look for a workout buddy! Good Luck!! :)
  • Quaneshia1983
    Hi, I started out at 276pds October of last year, I just started working out and eating better now I' down 56pds with only 50pds left lose. You can do it just look at the recommended amount on what you like to eat and measure it that way. Thats what I do so good luck on your journey. Keep up the good work you are coming to very great and helpful community of people that will encourage you God Bless
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Hi, and welcome! You have come to the right place.

    Not sure I can answer all your questions , but your comment about no self control/ self esteem: ask yourself "who are you doing this for"? If the answer is not "for myself", then your not ready to go down this road. BUT, if it's for you first and foremost, then you have to set yourself up for success. Not sure how much you want to lose overall, but the best approach is to set multiple goals, including short term goals, not only with weight loss, but other goals. Exercise for example, don't try walking on the treadmill 2 hours if your not used to it. Try going 10- 15 minutes a day for a week or 2, then slowly increase. Set realistic weight loss goals. Too often people want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. That can be done, but it may not be making a lifestyle change, which is what this community is about. We are all trying to lose weight, but we are really trying to change our lifestyle to a healthier one. Try losing just 1-2 pounds a week. That's 50 -100 pounds lost in a year.

    Also, whatever you do DO NOT celebrate weight loss goals with FOOD.

    As for cooking meals, search the menu items on here and websites for food ideas. Bound to be something you would enjoy.

    Good luck
  • garnetchic0113
    Thank you so much. i have my family and then my best friend Courtney is going to be my walking partner on tues/thursdays for an hour. Hope that is enough plus my workouts at home and bike riding/walking in the evenings everynite!
  • tlovio
    tlovio Posts: 3
    Hi, how are you!!! I almost have the same issues as you and I think what has motivated me the most this time, is that i am turning 40 and I went to an event and I was in some of the pictures, which i added, and I look bad. Then, I realized I weigh more than when I gave birth to my son. Health reasons too. i have a bad thyroid and high trigs. So with that and scared to fall and die early, that has motivated me to work out and eat less. I started to go to the gym only 3xs a week and eat no more than 1400 calories a day. So far, I have lost 18 lbs and work out 5xs a week and eat no more than 1200 calories a day. I measure myself on Mondays and weigh myself on Fridays. On fridays, I go to a weight loss clinic and get a B12/B6 injection to give me more energy. I don't take any other diet drugs just the B shot for energy. When I weigh on Fridays, and if I have lost 2 or more pounds then, I would reward myself with having something bad but at moderation. Then the next day, its back to discipline and working out!!! Its hard but I am learning that I dont say diet and I say better living. I am an emotional eater and now I workout at night sometimes so when i come home, I am too tired to eat and I go to sleep. Wanna chat or keep motivated, just text me and I will help. I have a friend who is loosing weight too and we motivate ourselfves in going to the gym by telling ourselves we will be there and then we look out for each other. Its so true what they say, the first ten minutes of a workout is horrible but then once you pass it, you dont wanna stop. And if you join a gym, hit the sauna after and relax and enjoy the calorie burning. You can burn from 75 to 100 calories for every ten minutes in the sauna. Take Care the name is Terri !!!!
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    Planning meals is definitely a good idea. I've been at this for 3 months now and the first month I planned my meals. Now I am at the point where I don't have to beacause it's just second nature on what I pull out of the fridge or put in my cart.

    Also, don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as what you're doing forever now. End of story.

    However, don't think that means you can never have whatever your favorites are. Life happens and things come up. But as long as you're good 90% or more of the time, there should be no problem with loss.

    And if you know you are going to have a meal during the day that won't be the best/healthiest, plan accordingly for the rest of the day. For example, if you have to attend a birthday party and there's only going to be pizza and cake, eat healthy before and after (fruit salad, yogurt, etc) and within your calorie limit.

    I had ZERO motivation when I started this journey, but I did my best every day and I have lost 20 pounds in 3 months.

    You can do it :)
  • garnetchic0113
    Terri..thank you so much. I need to find a gym that is not going to cost me a lot that does have a sauna..that sounds AMAZING!!!! I just got my wedding dress by fedex today and wow am i excited...i hope i have to take it in around 5 months from now :)
  • garnetchic0113
    Kitty...thanks so much!!!! I hope I can do this...I am off to a great start the last couple of days!!!! So proud of myself!!!!!

    The hardest is planing the meals with me being so picky ive gone through recipes and not seen quite a bit i like...getting kind of nervous
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Always remember that the first couple of weeks are the hardest, once you get into the routeen of what to eat and exercise you will find it much easier going x