Who here is a "clean" eater?

Last year I totally changed up my diet from eating lots of processed, convenience foods to eating almost exclusively whole foods, no dairy and little to no sugar. I have lost over 20 pounds and kept it off without a big change in my exercise routine.

Anyone else?


  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    Gradually getting there... : )
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Yup - single ingredients here
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    I'm slowly trying to cut the processed junk out. I still eat it, but not nearly as much as I used to and I've noticed a big difference in how I feel. I just had a baby, so my lack of weight loss on here doesn't reflect my efforts. But, I'm already back down to my pre-pregnancy weight after only 2 1/2 months later (although I think nursing has more to do with that than what I'm eating, other than sodium). My baby seems to feel a lot better when I eat clean, too. He gets gassy when I eat a lot of processed stuff. That's enough motivation for me!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Me...for the most part. I keep the presence of processed foods to a minimum, but I do some dairy. Also have good and bad spells just like everyone else. Not particularly clean this weekend :-) But it was a big race weekend!!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Raises hand that would be me!!!!Add me if u would like my diary is always open for ideas!
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    I'm doing my best with single ingredients...my family however hasn't followed suit yet. I've been doing this for about a year and I haven't been sick at all even when others around me are laid up! Maybe one day they'll jump on my band wagon.
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    MEEEE! I try and only buy ingredients! i.e. if something has an ingredients lable on .. then this is no good. I try and make EVERYTHING myself. The only things I cannot make myself are flours, sugar free squash, extra light mayo. I realise the squash and extra light mayo aren't great for me, but I cant live without them and theyre my only vice :-)
    I make my own breads, I get my meat and milk from a local friend on a farm.
    I am now growing my own fruit and veg too :-D
    Obsessing over these things is quite fun really and keeps my mind off of convience foods!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I like to try and think that I eat clean but I know that I will always have some processed foods in my day to day menu. Unfortantly... But I keep tryin and that's all that counts :)
  • i honestly cannot say that i totally avoid processed food because i am obsessed with granola bars and peanut butter... obviously full of nasties :P but pretty much everything else that i eat is "clean". 95% of the time, besides the granola bars, all i am really eating is clean food. and although it doesnt affect my weight much since nothing seems to increase or decrease my weight, i can definitely tell the difference in my emotions. i feel a lot more rested, at peace, whole, and happy when i am eating as natural as possible. i feel like if clean foods were pushed upon north americans that we would all be a lot happier and the obesity issue would drastically decline. good choice on your part :)
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Getting there, but it is a process. I am in the process of putting together a no/low sugar list of foods on my blog, feel free to peek. I am putting product pictures in there too, so it is taking a while to get it put together, but plan on adding to it weekly.
  • Cbeth80
    Cbeth80 Posts: 49
    That is what has worked for me. I drink 100% fruit juices and water, no more sodas. I do still eat processed turkey, but other than that, it is fresh veggies, homemade fruit smoothies, chicken, and whole wheat breads. It works!
  • I would love to do this. Maybe when I get back into the swing of things- diet wise. I just can't imagine choosing my meals based on nutritional value, sugar, and non-processed. I wouldn't know where to start! I know a lot of stuff I eat has a lot of "hidden" sugar (like organic spaghetti sauce). Good for you for getting to clean meals! Any words of advice? LOL
  • drfletcher25k
    drfletcher25k Posts: 7 Member
    Me too. I only eat sustainably grown animal products from farmers that I know, otherwise, I go vegetarian/vegan. Try to only buy organic local produce as much as I can, and raise what I can in my garden. I'm not a big processed food lover, although I LOVE cheese and have mostly replaced milk cheese with a brand of rice cheese that I've found pretty yummy.. so that is a pretty processed food, but it let's me eat my beloved cheese with significantly fewer fat calories. I also get raw milk from a local farm and make my own yogurt with it.

    I've been doing this for a few years now, and am now removing gluten from my diet on advice of my doctor.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Paleo here so, yes!
  • Larry1369
    Larry1369 Posts: 59
    I'm a comparatively clean eater to what I used to.

    One thing that is doing much better is my sodium intake. Too much in processed food.
  • tahoemads
    tahoemads Posts: 64 Member
    Yes! Went gluten-free, sugar-free a year ago and semi-Paleo. Love that I can have nut butters with one ingredient, and eating mostly raw has changed my life. Allergies are gone, immune system is stronger (rarely get sick) have much more energy and lost weight! I didn't have much to lose, but in 3 years I have lost more than 10 pounds just from eating healthier alone.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I try to eat fairly clean. Diary is also open. Even before I started my weight loss last year, I ate reasonably clean, but my portions were way out of wack. I felt good then and feel even better now.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I try to eat fairly clean. Diary is also open. Even before I started my weight loss last year, I ate reasonably clean, but my portions were way out of wack. I felt good then and feel even better now.

    That was my problem too. Diet has been pretty good for several years, but was just eating too much.

    As for those of you that want to know where to start: just pick one thing a week. Figure out a healthier alternative or start making your own! I make all of my own sauces, soups, chilis etc. And have been making a lot of my own salad dressings, but the options are getting better (most are loaded w/sodium and sugar). I will never make everything from scratch, but what few "convenience" foods (pasta/beans/canned tomatoes/crackers etc.) I do have are minimal ingredients or we just don't eat them that much. My one vice is keeping a stash of some sort of snack bar @ work. Too many other temptations around. I make my own for home though.

    Most importantly, read your labels. If you can't pronounce the words in it or don't know what it is, don't buy it!! That is certainly a step in the right direction.
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Didn't know what being a Paleo was so I googled it....Here is the first link I came across. Interesting, I'll have to check it out more...http://paleodietlifestyle.com/
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Yes! Went gluten-free, sugar-free a year ago and semi-Paleo. Love that I can have nut butters with one ingredient, and eating mostly raw has changed my life. Allergies are gone, immune system is stronger (rarely get sick) have much more energy and lost weight! I didn't have much to lose, but in 3 years I have lost more than 10 pounds just from eating healthier alone.

    I've dropped 20+ and 4 jean sizes in a little over 2 months eating Paleo and shortening my workouts from 60-75 minutes to roughly 35 in more of a Crossfit style workout. I'm actually burning as many calories doing these circuits as I was when I was doing P90X & Insanity. My weight training days are only 20 minutes. Still love me some P90X & Insanity but if I can get the same results, or better, in half the time, why not?

    As far as the food goes, I don't necessarily think I was gluten sensistive or anything but my body just doesn't "do" carbs well. I stagnated for the longest time. Now I take in <50g's of carbs per day and don't need to monitor my caloric intake because I know that what I eat will leave me full & satisfied. My body now has an internal "off" button as to when it's time to quit eating due to the healthy fat content of this way of eating.