Anyone doing South Beach Diet? Thoughts?

My bestfriend and I were talking about pros and cons about SBD this weekend and I was curious who was following it on here. What are you thoughts, pros cons, dislikes etc? :)


  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    I am not using it but my sister is and she has lost well over 40 pounds. you really have to stick with it. she was on it once before and lost then went off and gained it all back. it does work. but that wasnt for me, cause my family is too picky .. good luck in whatever you decide.

  • MrsB81
    MrsB81 Posts: 20 Member
    I have done SBD before and find phase one difficult with the lack of fruit and carbs! But lost a stone easy after the first two weeks.

    You have to be inventive with food otherwise it is really easy to get bored and want to cheat.
  • angebean
    angebean Posts: 195 Member
    I am a big proponent of SBD. I believe it really teaches one how to eat clean. Yes, phase 1 is strict, but for a good reason. I always go to the phase 1 approach when I know I am falling off the bandwagon. If you need some recipes, check out It's an excellent blog with lots of yummy recipes.

    Like everything, what you eat should be in moderation.
  • genielross
    genielross Posts: 20 Member
    I have been on the South Beach diet for the last 2 months, I have lost 18 pounds. It is more of a lifestyle than a diet. The first couple days on Phase 1 I got really bad headaches, changing what food you eat will do it. After that, it is just making sure you don't get bored. I have all their cookbooks and have a lot of websites that have recipes. Lunch is my hardest meal of the day, salads are good but I get rather bored of them, plus I have 2 teenagers and they don't usually leave me any left overs :(

    I think it is great. I I eat a lot of veggies, fruits, meat, and some whole grains.

    Let me know if you have any questions.
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Read my blog for my in-depth opinion. I hate south beach its a fad diet and while you'll find immediate success it cannot be maintained long term its not about healthy balance and gives you horrid breath. I'm about clean balanced eating. High protein diets are not the way to go. My blog.