Newbie - but I think I finally got the net calorie thing!

Ok. So I have been trying to figure out this whole net calorie thing. It all came about because the week before last, I lost NOTHING and couldn't figure out why. My rational then was that I was under my calorie totals each day AND I burned more calories exercising and this should have produced a loss. But it didn't and know I think I finally understand why.

So tell me if I am understanding this correctly. Once I keyed in my information, current weight, height, weight loss goal and activity level, MFP picked the number of calories I needed to each each day in order to lose the requested weekly number of pounds. For example, I wanted to lose 1.5 weekly, so my target daily calories are 1490. If I skipped exercise all together, I would lose the 1.5 weekly just by diet alone.

By adding exercise into the mix, I am already at the 1.5 weekly goal, but now with the exercise, I am taking an additional number of calories away each day. For example, if I burn 500 calories today then I have only had 990 calories to keep my body going for the day (hence the starvation mode). Therefore, I need to eat back those calories because my original number already factors in the 1.5 weekly loss goal.

Am I correct? I feel like I just had a light bulb moment!!

BUT: Now my next question. How are you adding those extra calories in each day? Are you doing over the course of the day or just at dinner. For example, I usually work out after work (4:30ish) but during the day, I am watching my calorie intake, which usually means I have a large amount of calories left for dinner and the rest of my evening. I am now thinking maybe I should have spread more of my calories during breakfast and lunch. Thoughts?



  • katdon88
    katdon88 Posts: 39 Member
    That sounds right to me, but I'm not sure either. I'm in the same boat. I exercise five days and week and I don't go over my calories for the day, but I've been at a stand-still. Guess I better eat my exercise calories Add me as a friend if you would like!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member

    Am I correct? I feel like I just had a light bulb moment!!

    BUT: Now my next question. How are you adding those extra calories in each day? Are you doing over the course of the day or just at dinner. For example, I usually work out after work (4:30ish) but during the day, I am watching my calorie intake, which usually means I have a large amount of calories left for dinner and the rest of my evening. I am now thinking maybe I should have spread more of my calories during breakfast and lunch. Thoughts?


    BINGO!! You've got it. Great job.

    And yes, I would spread your calories throughout the day. Otherwise, you are faced having to eat a ton at dinner and that makes it more of a chore. Healthy snacks and marginally bigger meals than what you've been eating up to this point.

    Good luck! You're going to do great!!
  • lolareina
    lolareina Posts: 13 Member
  • draiff10
    draiff10 Posts: 1
    I had the same problem. When I was eating under my net calories I lost nothing, but now that I am eating the proper amount I am starting to actually lose weight!
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    BIngo. Some people, exercise during the am, then spread those cals among the day. Like larger portion of chicken, am snack, extra apple.............
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    You got it!

    Different people work out those calories differently. What I do is fairly simple: I know what my planned exercise is for the day, I know approximately what that's going to burn calorie wise (from doing it repeatedly or from checking websites ahead of time), then I just build those calories into my day. Most of the day, my calories show RED RED RED, then I exercise after I get home and everything goes green again (well, mostly :happy: ). If I still find myself too far under on Net calories, I can always have a protein shake or a handful of almonds.
  • mayasmom
    mayasmom Posts: 61 Member
    Not everyone is the same...if I eat back my exercise calories, I will not lose. But I think my metabolism is completely shot from years and years and years of yo-yo dieting!
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    FWIW, I try very hard not to eat calories until I've worked them off. I seldom do a cardio workout at night (one night a week) and on that day I will let myself have a couple of hundred extra calories spread out over my meals, but I try not to go hog wild because if by some chance I don't make it to the gym then I'm in trouble.

    I talked to my trainer about this because one night I left the gym at 9:00 PM with more than 800 calories to eat. It was a rare situation but I don't really want to be having a big meal after working out and just before bed. He suggested I try eating a Clif Builders bar while I'm working out. First of all, if I were burning that many calories, I probably needed to supplement my calorie supply mid-workout. Also, when I was done working out I have considerably fewer calories to burn.
  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!

    I am definitely going to change what I eat at breakfast and lunch (up those calories). I am trying to make it to the gym daily . I am on a streak I don't want to end (exercise 14 of 15 days) so I need to learn to incorporate those calories back into my day. I plan on doing a blog so I will keep you posted on how it's going!!

    Thanks again!
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Kind of. You have the math down, but there are other factors in play for the daily caloric limits.

    For instance, when I switched from 4 workouts per week to 3 workouts per week, it dropped my calories for each day, so there must be part of the algorithm that factors in metabolism. I don't know for sure, and you have the general idea, but it wouldn't work completely as you said.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member

    For instance, when I switched from 4 workouts per week to 3 workouts per week, it dropped my calories for each day, so there must be part of the algorithm that factors in metabolism.

    It recalculates periodically as you lose weight (every 20 lb?) it's probably just coincidence that you noticed that at the time you switched schedule
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Not everyone is the same...if I eat back my exercise calories, I will not lose. But I think my metabolism is completely shot from years and years and years of yo-yo dieting!

    I think my metabolism had slowed down just from being out of shape and 57 years, and the solution wasn't to eat more or fewer of my exercise calories. My rate of weight loss has more than tripled since I began hitting the gym every other day for strength training a few weeks ago. And I'm not doing that much. It takes less than 30 minutes to do a line of nautilus, then I'm out of there.
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member

    For instance, when I switched from 4 workouts per week to 3 workouts per week, it dropped my calories for each day, so there must be part of the algorithm that factors in metabolism.

    It recalculates periodically as you lose weight (every 20 lb?) it's probably just coincidence that you noticed that at the time you switched schedule

    No ... I was between 10-pound increments (where it also decreased).
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Here's an interesting article on why more exercise + less calories does not necessary equal more fat loss: .
  • sheilamo
    sheilamo Posts: 115 Member
    Oh my word.

    I could have written this post. I have been back and forth trying to understand this also (just this week!)

    The last 2 weeks I haven't eaten back my calories (and lost 5 lbs) but seems that most people are commenting that you need to eat back those calories.

    ugh, so much math to do .... LOL

    I'm going to friend you