Re-Do! I'm getting it right this time...

I was on My Fitness Pal since the beginning of the year, and things were going great. I lost about 15 pounds (some water weight, but I got from 175 to 160), felt great. Then I don't know what happened. I started to plateau, started feeling discouraged, and next thing I know it was eating crap food for lunch, pretending to exercise and just giving up. I was making excuses, just like all the other times I've tried to lose weight.

Of course my one support, my boyfriend, wasn't fooled. He just told me yesterday "Starting tomorrow, you're back on the wagon". I couldn't disagree. So this morning, woke up, showered, packed my healthy lunch and stepped on the scale. I was expecting to see 175 again, or worse. But lo and behold my scale told me "160.4". What?? I had maintained, even after all the junk I had put into my body? I even weighed myself 2 more times, and still "160.4" came out. This in itself was absolute encouragement.

So, I am starting over. I deleted my old account, and I'm starting fresh. This time, I will see the Weight Loss graph just keep dropping. I would love to have friends add me that can join me in my journey :) Thanks in advance!


  • allimac09
    allimac09 Posts: 33
    Great job of maintaining, but eventually it would have caught up with you. Glad you're back on track. Good luck!!!! If nothing else, this will help you be all around healthier!
  • For sure! I was very much expecting the weight gain, I'm so glad I caught it in time!! Thanks so much :)
  • I can so relate to your intro paragraph!!! Look for my friend request and let's stay back on this wagon!!!
