Anyone over 300 lbs trying to lose weight?

I would love to share our journeys if you would add me as a friend! For anyone who has been this size or is (currently) would love some tips, etc that helped you.


  • lexy83
    lexy83 Posts: 122 Member
    me and it is so hard! but we can do it! I know it!
  • deesdigitaldelight
    deesdigitaldelight Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 312 currently looking to come down to 160 someday. I just started not to long ago here. Working on controlling my eating and since I have mobility issues with arthritis in my back and knees, I'm doing walking (slow pace)
  • kkatamy
    kkatamy Posts: 4
    Yup, was at 350 at my highest a couple weeks ago. Hubby started a biggest loser program at a local gym (I'll be starting when he's done in 12 weeks) so as a couple we are following the 1600 calorie diet. It's been really great so far, down 14 from when we started the diet.

    175, here I come!
  • deesdigitaldelight
    deesdigitaldelight Posts: 53 Member
    P.S. Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for new friends and support
  • jessicajoy87
    I'm close and pregnant right now. I can offer support!
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I was 302 when I began. I've lost 38 pounds so far. This website has really helped me a ton!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I was very close at 275--- Good luck to all :)
  • kirstinkrueger
    i started at 313! Today i weighed in at 214! And trust me, if i can do it, anyone can!!! Good luck on your journey.
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Yup ... Im 29 and started at 402 lbs on January 16th ... now I am 382.2 as of last Thursday .... Looking to lose 100lbs by January 16th 2012 ... Long and slow journey but I will not fail ...
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm 312 currently looking to come down to 160 someday. I just started not to long ago here. Working on controlling my eating and since I have mobility issues with arthritis in my back and knees, I'm doing walking (slow pace)

    I had tons of arthritis problems in my knees, too, when I started. In fact, it was the main reason why I knew I had to do something about my weight as I knew it was the weight that caused my arthritis. Now that I have taken off 91 pounds, I barely feel any pain in my knees. I cannot run, but I can do everything else, and I don't deal with pain.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I have been overweight all my life and in the 300 since high school. I've been on nearly every diet under the sun. I had lost weight last year in preparation for bariatric surgery (my BMI was too high) and once I lost enough to do the surgery I decided I wanted to do it in a healthy way instead. Losing weight at that time consisted of 900 cal a day of pre-packaged soy meals that tasted nasty and were still high in sodium. I lost the weight eating only that and working out 2 days a week with a personal trainer. Losing that 30 pounds cost me $4572 total. Of course as soon as I quit doing the soy meals I gained the weight back plus some.

    I joined MFP on January 19th weighing in at 375 pounds. I knew I had gained back what I lost last year, but had no clue it was that high. I am proud to say that today I reached the weight I was at last year before I started gaining it back, which is 336.2. I have done it on my own this time and in a healthy way instead of rapid loss for surgery that I do not agree with. I feel better than I have in years with more energy and the desire to keep going at this. When I lose another 3/10 of a pound I will be the lowest weight my husband and most of my friends have ever seen me at and the lowest I have been in 5 1/2 years. I am excited to reach this milestone!

    Anyone reading this who battles the monster of the 300 hundreds + please feel free to "friend me". I love hearing peoples stories, accomplishments, and even their downfalls. We can all do this if we encourage one another and help pick the other up when we trip or fall. It is all about taking one day at a time, one step at a time.

    Best wishes to each of you in this journey. I am on this path right along side you. We may have different weight amounts and we may have different short-term and long-term goals, but in reality we are all on the same team fighting for the same prize!
  • webbstace
    webbstace Posts: 17
    My highest weight was 316 and I have lost 10 so far. All I can say is take it step by step each day and don't get overwhelmed by the big goal. Make small goals and celebrate along the way!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    i started at 313! Today i weighed in at 214! And trust me, if i can do it, anyone can!!! Good luck on your journey.

    Just reading that inspired me to keep going sometimes it seems like an endless journey
  • deesdigitaldelight
    deesdigitaldelight Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 312 currently looking to come down to 160 someday. I just started not to long ago here. Working on controlling my eating and since I have mobility issues with arthritis in my back and knees, I'm doing walking (slow pace)

    I had tons of arthritis problems in my knees, too, when I started. In fact, it was the main reason why I knew I had to do something about my weight as I knew it was the weight that caused my arthritis. Now that I have taken off 91 pounds, I barely feel any pain in my knees. I cannot run, but I can do everything else, and I don't deal with pain.

    Oh I can't wait till some of this pain goes away, but I keep walking despite it all. Thank you for sharing this with me. It helps to know I'm doing the right thing.
  • Kimmers_80
    ME! I just joined MFP yesterday - so far, I have read some very inspirational stories.

    My goal weight is 175-180 (I'm 5'11'').

    WE CAN DO IT! :happy:
  • lynnstar_lynnstar
    lynnstar_lynnstar Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in the same boat!

    My highest weight has been 299.5 (just last week) so I'm right on the cusp of 300. I have problems with maintaining my metabolism. As soon as I stop faithfully working out my weight creeps back up. So I need to realize and own that exercise needs to become just as much of a part of my life as all the other necessities of every day life.

    I'm brand new to this site but I loveit already. Let's keep each other motivated on our journeys!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I want to start a group of 300+ gals (those weighing over 300) who want to have a weekly weigh-in, weekly challenges, and good old support and motivation from peers. Anyone interested please let me know and I will start a link :)
  • Kimmers_80
    I think it sounds like a GREAT idea!
  • LukeEalden
    Well I was 303 lbs when I started on New Years Day this year, my heaviest ever weight. I have also got knee problems due to a previous sporting injury and several operations to remove floating cartilage.

    Anyway I have lost 53 lbs now of the 100 lbs I've targeted myself for which I guess is great going. It's not complicated really, disciplined eating (both eating the right food and the right amount) and plenty of exercise. Oh, and plenty of water too.

    If you're anything like me, your knee will start to feel a lot better when you're not lugging so much weight around on it, so use that as motivation.

    Good luck!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    I am also interested in the 300+ group.. i hope we can get to the 100 group eventually would be nice right?? =)

    Anyway i weighed myself this morning and it said E one time otherwise i moved it all around my kitchen floor and it's reading 389 so that means im down 12 pounds in a week!!! How awesome is that??