Couch to 5K (start 4/4/11)



  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I actually did week 1 day 1 twice LOL. I did the first on a treadmill and 2nd outside and I realize outside is SO MUCH harder so I started over yesterday. I am TELLING myself only use the treadmill when it's raining out :)
  • I am in! Perfect timing. I just read on another thread about the c25k and thought it was perfect for me, Then I saw this thread! I will head to the gym this evening.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think I've downloaded a podcast and am charging my mp3 player as I type. As long as the weather holds out I will be ready to run this thing tonight. Woo hoo!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hello mind if I join,

    I'm doing this at the moment, tomorrow will be W6 D2 for me. I'm also using the NHS one linked above. The podcasts are brilliant for anyone wanting to do these as they tell you when to warm up/ run/ walk and cool down.

    I run every other day so 3 times a week some weeks and 4 times a week others.

    Hope everyone is doing ok so far :wink:
  • jase111
    jase111 Posts: 83
    I'm in! Going to start today. Planning on doing a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule.
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 241 Member
    I am doing the same Mon-Wen-Fri started this morning. I will be watching for your post
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    Just started today !!
    Finally got my a@# off the couch, lets keep moving.
  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    I did start mine today also!
  • inkdgirl
    inkdgirl Posts: 79
    I started tonight too!

    I did 5k on the elliptical this morning, but running on our high schools track was SOOO much harder!
    It has to get easier!
    Glad to have so much support from you all!
  • zolou
    zolou Posts: 1 Member
    Can I join? I started today too and will be running Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It was easier than I expected although whenever I've tried to jog before I have done too much too soon, started to hurt and then given up. Can't wait to run a 5K race in June and then looking to increase to 10K for September.
  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    Here's one I think I'd like...

    This is what I downloaded...the music works for me-its body-moving music..thanks!!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I did W1 for the second time tonight. I did it once on Saturday, tonight and plan on doing it Wednesday & Friday also. Not sure if I will move into week2 next week or not. I'll see how I am on Friday.

    I'm also doing the 30 day shred and elliptical/walks on the days off of C25k.
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    I was seriously about to ask a question on how people got motivated to start running, but I think I found the answer. I've had the Robert Ullrey's C25K podcasts downloaded for a while now onto my iPod, so I think I'm gonna start back up tomorrow (since its 10 in the evening here).

    You all are serious inspirations to my lack of running abilities right now. :D
  • emiskins
    emiskins Posts: 92 Member
    I did day one today, it wasn't bad. Hopefully I can keep it up and make it through week 4 this time around!
  • Congrats to everyone who's made it out the door! I'm pretty sure that's 90% of the battle.

    Ugh! I've been totally slackerly... I haven't run since last week. I did hit the elliptical today, and I've gotten a few walks in, so not a complete loser in the exercise department. Still, there's a 5K here (literally just down the street) that I want to do in May, and I'd really like to run the whole thing. SO - must get butt out door!

    Off in 5 to do week 2, day 1.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i have to wait til next week, my cardiologist hasn't cleared me to run after my passing out fiasco on Sunday :( i plan on starting next Wednesday if i get clearance though!
  • campoje
    campoje Posts: 6 Member
    I just started the program yesterday! Don't know if it's too late to join in!

    I downloaded an app and it was great. I'm liking this sore-ab feeling today.
  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    I'm officially starting today! Woop Wooooooop! :happy:
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    Ok. I'm in. Will start on Monday.. Lordy - have never jogged in my life - but I seriously need to do something to get fit!!
  • I just started yesterday! I found it to be not too bad.

    Question for those using a treadmill: what speed do you use for the running/walking. I used 2 miles for the walking, and 4 for jogging. I feel that the 2 miles was a little slow, but have 2 miles, 4 miles, 6 miles, etc. pre-programmed on my treadmill so it was easy to just hit the button to change the speed.
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