How important are sugar/carb levels with weight loss?

Sarah70183 Posts: 18
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm fairly new to MFP, and am trying to do the best thing to lose weight. I try to meet or stay under my nutrient levels, but am having a really hard time with sugar and carbs.

I can stick to the calorie level, but I eat a lot of fruit each day, and am always over my sugar levels. Is this ok? Or could this be slowing down weight loss? I am thinking that because these are from fruits(pineapple, grapes, strawberries, and blackberries are what I normally eat) that it is ok. It is not from bad sugars from sweets or candy. There is a difference, right?

Should I not eat so much fruit each day? I usually have a cup of fresh pineapple for breakfast, and some cut up strawberries and grapes for a snack throughout the day.

As far as carbs...I usually go over by about 15 or daily goal for carbs is 165.

How much will this affect my weight loss?

Also, I'm usually always under for fat. Sometimes I go over on protein by a few.



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I believe that sugar is the devil.

    The MFP protein levels are too low and should be adjusted up. I recommend roughly 1g per pound of bodyweight. Then split the remaining carbs/fat to what plan you want to follow. Going too low fat isn't the answer, it will cause the body to hang on desperately to what body fat you have left.

    Stay away from the sugar!! Bad stuff!
  • jnovak1
    jnovak1 Posts: 7
    You need to remember that building muscle through fitness/resistance training is the TRUE way to get your body to burn more calories/fat every day! In order to build muscle, you need to do your fitness routine and also eat a low carb/high protein diet. Shoot for 120mg a day. I drink protein shakes (only about 100 cal and very low carbs...but 30-60 grams of protein!)

    Many women tend to eat like birds all day long...but the majority of those are carbs. The body is likely in a starvation mode and only burning 1200 cal a day since the fat composition is high versus muscle composition. Build muscle and you will automatically burn more calories! Protein helps build lean muscle. Think toned!

    Go online and do your research on high protein diets and weight loss! Good luck to you!
  • jnovak1
    jnovak1 Posts: 7
    I agree with Steve...up that protein!!
  • pattie_d
    pattie_d Posts: 3 Member
    Well I know that initially I cut out all white stuff for health reasons because my glucose levels were high and I was at risk for developing diabetes. So I drastically changed my diet because I didnt't wanna worry about sticking my finger everyday. So no sugar, no enriched anything. So that means I'm eating items with whole wheat flour, brown rice, no candy, no cake, no cookies, whole wheat pasta, 100% whole wheat bread (if bread at all). I dropped alot of weight quickly just by cutting out all the enriched, white stuff. It might mean you won't eat alot of things but hey, you will lose weight! And I LOVE Starbucks but even so I get the "skinny" drinks with non-fat or soy milk (I buy soy or almond milk for home too) with splenda.

    Most importantly, check the ingredients and nutrition labels on everything. It may be a pain at first, but eventually it will become 2nd nature. Make sure the first ingredient says wheat or corn. You don't want anything that says enriched. You gotta look for 100% whole wheat. Even the stuff that says "whole grain" or "12 grain" etc isn't all its cracked up to be.

    Hope this helps. It helped me.
  • Thanks. I should have also included that I run about 4 miles a day 3-5 times a week, strength train 3 days a week, and dance 2 days a week... so I am very active! Just love to eat fruit and sad that it makes me go over on sugar! :) I am always over on protein levels, so that is good to hear that I should be eating more protein!
  • Jnovak-What type of protein shakes do you drink and when do you drink them? Morning? After exercise? I would like to add protein shakes to my diet, just didn't know where to start!

  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    You might want to check the sugars in your fruit - they are not all created equal. I am following South Beach lifestyle, and they rank the fruits in terms of the glycemic index. They allow most fruits with a lower glycemic index like apples and berries on phase 2. Pineapple and watermelon contain a higher sugar content.

    Enjoy the fruits -- just be cautious. Sounds like you're an incredibly active person - -thanks for the inspiration.
  • momof3babes
    momof3babes Posts: 103
    Bump. Thanks for the good info.
  • You might want to check the sugars in your fruit - they are not all created equal. I am following South Beach lifestyle, and they rank the fruits in terms of the glycemic index. They allow most fruits with a lower glycemic index like apples and berries on phase 2. Pineapple and watermelon contain a higher sugar content.

    Enjoy the fruits -- just be cautious. Sounds like you're an incredibly active person - -thanks for the inspiration.

    Thanks for giving me the idea to check which fruits contain more sugar!

    Yes..I am very active and I'm just getting into this MFP thing...and trying to get the swing of things. It's so hard to know if I am eating too few calories with all of my exercise, so I am hoping I can start track everything and find the best levels of everything for me to follow! Thanks for all of the great answers and keeps me on track and helps me do better!
  • jnovak1
    jnovak1 Posts: 7
    I am not a believer in all those crazy diets like South Beach, Atkin's, etc....they just cause other health care problems and they are a short term fix! I'm sure you agree with me, since you are a fitness pro! (Wish I could do all that!!) You are doing tons of exercise, so I think if you were to up the protein you would build more lean muscle. Once you have developed this, you can slow down on the protein...since the muscle is already built. Just maintain the muscle thru fitness/resistance training, etc.

    I use GNC Whey Powder...if you use the food list...its on there. I think its called Pro 60, as it gives 60 grams of protein per serving. I have been dividing this into 2 drinks...since that's a huge amount for a newbie like myself! You are suppose to drink it after a workout, as that is the best time for your body to absorb the nutrients. I also use the GNC Lean Shake...which gives 25 grams of protein and is more of a meal replacer. (little more calories also..instead of 140 it is 200 something). This was recommended to me by a body builder. Women are to try to stick around 1200 cals, according to him, while you are doing this. I am no expert, that's for sure! The guys at GNC are is the online research!
  • jnovak1
    jnovak1 Posts: 7
    I totally is so hard to really know how many calories you should take you don't go into starvation mode which just screws up the whole thing!
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    I believe that sugar is the devil.

    The MFP protein levels are too low and should be adjusted up. I recommend roughly 1g per pound of bodyweight. Then split the remaining carbs/fat to what plan you want to follow. Going too low fat isn't the answer, it will cause the body to hang on desperately to what body fat you have left.

    Stay away from the sugar!! Bad stuff!

    Protein levels are set very low here and carbs are high, but question 1g per pound of bodyweight you currently are or goal? Please say goal....please say goal....please say goal:-)
  • Thanks! I will stop by my local place that I go for my vitamins and ask what they recommend for protein shakes. I think I will start to try these, since I am so active. I didn't always exercise this much, but once I started, I got addicted! :) I love feeling healthy. But it's also discouraging sometimes because I am not seeing a big change on the scale...yet...that is why I joined try to balance everything with my food intake, to get the weight loss benefits I am hoping for with all of my exercise I've been doing. I might be eating too few calories, so I am going to try to play around with this with MFP help and figure it out hopefully! I do agree it's a lifestyle change and don't agree with diets. I think they are a temporary fix. At least for me..they never work. This site is so great and I'm glad I can talk to other people for advice who are doing the same thing!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I am not a believer in all those crazy diets like South Beach, Atkin's, etc....they just cause other health care problems and they are a short term fix! I'm sure you agree with me, since you are a fitness pro! (Wish I could do all that!!) You are doing tons of exercise, so I think if you were to up the protein you would build more lean muscle. Once you have developed this, you can slow down on the protein...since the muscle is already built. Just maintain the muscle thru fitness/resistance training, etc.

    I use GNC Whey Powder...if you use the food list...its on there. I think its called Pro 60, as it gives 60 grams of protein per serving. I have been dividing this into 2 drinks...since that's a huge amount for a newbie like myself! You are suppose to drink it after a workout, as that is the best time for your body to absorb the nutrients. I also use the GNC Lean Shake...which gives 25 grams of protein and is more of a meal replacer. (little more calories also..instead of 140 it is 200 something). This was recommended to me by a body builder. Women are to try to stick around 1200 cals, according to him, while you are doing this. I am no expert, that's for sure! The guys at GNC are is the online research!

    I think if you actually read the books and did the research on Atkins/South Beach/Primal/Zone - you wouldn't see them as crazy diets honestly. Many of my clients follow these, and because of that, I've researched them. Many cultures have eaten according to these type of diets, and I would argue that the new typical western culture diet is the really crazy one.

    Eating food that never existed before and was created in a lab seems much more crazy than eating plants and animals to me.

    *note* this is in absolutely no attack and just differing opinion (I've been told that I can come off like an *kitten* lol)

    Just my .02 cents anyway.

    As for best whey protein shake - I think I've tasted almost every kind out there, and for my money Optimum Nutrition from is the best. I love Caramel Toffee Fudge - it's delicious! Some of the GNC flavors have some after taste that I don't dig too much.

    For to go protein - the E.A.S. Advant Carb Control stuff is actually pretty good. It's a mix of whey and soy protein, but when I tour with my orchestra, those little cardboard guys save my life. Musicians eat total crap at every given opportunity.

    :) Best of luck!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I believe that sugar is the devil.

    The MFP protein levels are too low and should be adjusted up. I recommend roughly 1g per pound of bodyweight. Then split the remaining carbs/fat to what plan you want to follow. Going too low fat isn't the answer, it will cause the body to hang on desperately to what body fat you have left.

    Stay away from the sugar!! Bad stuff!

    Protein levels are set very low here and carbs are high, but question 1g per pound of bodyweight you currently are or goal? Please say goal....please say goal....please say goal:-)

    current :( eat it up - it's good for you!
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I am in the same boat with you. I go over on carbs and sugar every day. I eat 3-4 servings of fruit per day along with 3-4 servings of veggies. Most days I limit myself to 1 serving of starchy carb per day and then 90% of the time even that comes from whole grains. My excess carbs and sugar are coming from mostly natural sources. I am losing weight (slowly because I don't have much to lose), I am losing inches and I feel like I have enough fuel for my workouts. On average, I take in 100-125 grams of protein per day, as well. I feel like what I am eating is working for me and there's no reason it shouldn't work for you, too. I know if I wasn't eating all of the fruit, I would be eating junk sugar instead, this is certainly better.

    BTW, my diary is open so you can see what I eat
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