Slim-Fast 3-2-1????

I have been failing miserably with my weight loss journey! I exercise and watch my calorie & food intake, but nothing happens! I have been considering trying an oldie (but goodie??) and wonder if anyone else has had any success on the slim-fast 3-2-1 plan. If you're going to tell me not to do it, please detail why. If you have had positive results, please provide how you used the program & what types of snacks/meals you ate with it. Thank you :)


  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    I started out trying that plan. It did not work (for me, it could work for you), mainly because a shake for lunch just didn't cut it, even with a snack. So I modified it a bit:
    1 shake blended with strawberries and a banana for breakfast (I use their protein powder mix)
    a shake plus a 'snack' for lunch, around 200 cal.
    a snack for the afternoon
    a sensible dinner

    I don't follow it anymore except for breakfast as what I considered a 'sensible' dinner was (what I learned later) my entire calorie intake for the day. I would say if you'd like to use that plan, supplement with lots of fruits and veggies when you feel hungry and still log all the calories on MFP. Good luck! You can do it!
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    I do know that those slim fast shakes are packed with tons of sugar in them - just FYI.
  • wendywasj
    wendywasj Posts: 16
    Thank you for the sugar suggestion, but I did read the labels. The fact is, one shake (mix only) has 6 grams of sugar, and with 8oz. of skim milk has 18 grams of sugar (30 grams total carbs). I cannot eat a single serving of most cereals for this, not to mention adding milk to it. If I were diabetic, this would be 2 carb choices, well within acceptable limits for most. I do appreciate your comment/concern and will watch my sugar intake. Thank you :)
  • wendywasj
    wendywasj Posts: 16
    I don't follow it anymore except for breakfast as what I considered a 'sensible' dinner was (what I learned later) my entire calorie intake for the day. I would say if you'd like to use that plan, supplement with lots of fruits and veggies when you feel hungry and still log all the calories on MFP. Good luck! You can do it!

    Thank you for the advice! I do watch my calories closely enough to not eat my entire allotment in one meal ;) I am concerned about being hungry though. One of my issues with my food addiction is the hand to mouth fixation. Since I don't smoke, eating is the only way I get that fix :( But I'm trying to keep my hands busy with other things :)
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    Atkins shakes are much better as they only contain 160 or 170 calories and have 15 grams of protein. The protein keeps you full longer. The sugar content is a lot, lot lower than with SlimFast. I tried SlimFast and it just became a milkshake for me. What I like to do during the day is drink one Atkins shake for breakfast...maybe with some fruit. Then about 3 hours later I have 1/2 cup lean chicken for more protein. Then for lunch you can have the same thing as breakfast but maybe a different flavor. Chocolate is a good choice if you love chocolate. Or the new flavor with coffee in it. Then 3 hours later more lean chicken or ham. Maybe another piece of fruit or yogurt or a veggie. For supper (dinner up north) I eat a well balanced meal focusing on a nice salad to get in some veggies. Be sure to eat some more protein to keep away the munchies. That's how I lost 20 lbs. in 4 mths. I still have them off after 2 years but now I only have the Atkins for lunch at work. Worked and continues to work well for me.
  • wendywasj
    wendywasj Posts: 16
    OH, Thanks! I didn't know Adkins had a shake option. I will definitely check it out :) I like the way you eat a little something with the shake, but does this cut carbs out totally? I use carbs to fuel up for my workouts, so I can't cut them out all together...
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    I guess I didn't realize they already included "the milk" portion to the shake mix according to the label. Still....that is pretty outrageous once you add the milk to the shake. Can you replace the milk with water instead? I've never drank slim fast so I have no clue. I know their ready made shakes are not too great of a choice though.

    I do, however, drink a replacement meal type shake from GNC called Total Lean Shake 25. It has 25g of protein. I typically will drink a shake for breakfast and appx 2-3 hours later I'll eat a serving of almonds or something small to that affect that packs in fiber/protein to keep me full. It works awesome for me.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I would recommend buying a whey protein with no added sweeteners or flavours and make up your own shakes.
    This way you can control the amount of sugar you ingest and also the flavorings you'd enjoy + you'd get lots of protein to help you feel satisfied.
    I buy mine at Costco.

    I always add berries and some spinach along with unsweetened almond milk.
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    I am wondering the same. I bought a small can and, I am using it as a meal replacement for breakfast, I just can't bring myself to eat in the morning it makes me want to vomit. so I am hoping once I get through this can I will have gotten myself into the habit of having something in the morning and I will eat my calories at that point :)
    I use unsweetened almond milk for mine not regular milk
  • jantim1990
    jantim1990 Posts: 48 Member
    have you tried incorporating more fiber into your diet? I have diverticulosis ( affects the intestines) and i have to eat alot of fiber. But what I found out is the fiber keeps me fuller longer. So i try to eat as much as i can in my meals. I've tried slimfast in the past, but it never satisfied me. So, now I just eat what I want ( smaller portions) and drink lots of water, and try to include fiber rich foods. I'm not always successful, but it seems to be working for me in the long run. Good luck to you!!
  • yanksgurl613
    I am on slimfast 3-2-1 or the past 3 weeks. Personally really like it! I have lost quite a few lbs already on it. I have a yogurt in the morning and then 3 snacks till lunch- 1 snackbar, a string cheese and two rice cakes, and then a 100 calorie snack pack. At lunch I have a pre-made shake in the can and a bowl of macaroni and cheese and a fruit or veggie (grapes, strawberries, baby carrots etc. Then I have a 500 Calorie dinner and even then I always have extra calories from my total. Their website is actually pretty cool cuz it's free and it helps you plan your meals breakfast lunch dinner and it even has the recipes and nutrition facts for dinners. Check that out. Oh and about the's true theres alot of sugar but personally I need some sugar to get me through the day ecspecially since I drink any caffiene because of thyroid issues. Hope this was helpful to you!
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    right now im doing just the shake for breakfast and its working but i think thats because 1) its replacing my usual drive thru breakfast (saving me about a million cals & grams of fat) and 2) I don't have alot of muscle built up yet so my body isn't really requiring a lot to fuel it. I think though that as I get in better shape I will to switch to something else, more wholefood-ish. At this point, I'm just using it as a starting point.
  • wendywasj
    wendywasj Posts: 16
    I never even considered almond milk. I thought about soy milk, but haven't tried yet. They are both much more expensive than cow milk but if it makes a difference in my weight loss then I will try it. Thanks! :)