Newbie with 100+ to lose

Hello all

I am brand spanking new to the site (just started a few days ago) and I was wondering if anyone has more than 100lbs to lose? I am getting back on the weight loss wagon after having a major setback (lost about 30 pounds last year and regained them ALL back + 10)

Definitely looking for moral support from others who have either lost over 100lbs or who are currently on their journey, like me.

What is motivating me is that I am really tired of not living the life that I was meant to live. Or not being physically able to be as active as I used to be. I am really tired of being the "fat friend" in my circle. I am also really tired of shopping in the Plus-Size section of department stores. (OK rant over)

So hat am I doing? I've started hitting the gym again...back to walking on the treadmill. And I am trying to improve my eating habits by kick my sweet tooth! Incorporating more veggies into my diet and getting serious about my juicing regimen.


  • somerstill
    hey Lynnstar!

    Well, like you I lost over 50lbs by June of last year and have put it all back on plus 12 more. I am at the point I only look in the mirror to put my makeup on for work..... really do not like what I see and was on a pitty pot for the last couple of mos.... Not anymore... bought a norditrac for the house over the weekend cuz I don't want anyone at the gym to see how far I have fallen... Tonight I started my walking to get back on trac... Not too bad for the first walk... need to build back up to burn harder and longer... So excited, and feel so good tonight... Looking forward to tomorrow.... my goal is 75lbs, and would love to see 30-35 by mid July.... ambitious I know but a mission to look better before our Colorado trip.....

    Stay steady and strong baby-girl.... You and I are on our way..... Somerstill
  • lynnstar_lynnstar
    lynnstar_lynnstar Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks so much! Let's help each other to stay motivated!! We are on our way!!