STARS Challenge End of Week 2!!!

[This 8 week challenge is now up to week 3! Please check forum for other new challenges]

Happy End of Week 2 and start of Week 3 STARS!

Can you believe we are already starting our 3rd week! We have one WINNER to announce for week 2 who met ALL the challenge goals!

Ambeee11 met her calorie goals 7/7 AND exercised everyday, extra minutes on other days bringing up her reported 6/7 days to 7/7, those extra minutes on the other days count! Congratulations Amber! We'd love you to share some of the success tips with us.

Without further ado, lets applaud the following STAR loggers for their commitment checking in this week:

Hype: LOSS 1lb, met exercise goals 7/7 days while on holidays, great effort!!! Met calorie goal 5/7
Pmaxim: Sick all week, feeling better now, hoping to be back on the horse tomorrow. Take it easy friend :-)

Ambeee11: 7/7 under calories 6/7 exercise goal. Winner!
Chicken23: MIA…
Azalea30: (NEW buddy with Ambeee11 instead ladies, get chatting!) Met exercise goal 5/7 days and met calorie goal 6/7 days WELCOME new member joined us 1 week late, exercising like a machine!

Sweetsarahj: met exercise goals 6/7 days and food goals 3/7. Exercise goals so close to 7/7, keep up the good work!

Catsdogsandkids: met exercise and calorie goals 4/7 days. Persistance in logging in and carrying on is paying off!
Fifibox: 4/7 days for calorie goal and 5/7 for exercise

Awesome work team, tough week for many with illnesses and lifes tricky situations, most important thing you can do is keep logging in no matter how bad your days results have been! 1 winner this week and it wasn’t you? It happens! Let's try to ALL make it onto the list for meeting our challenge guidelines/goals next week! Go STARS! Hey we have 6 weeks to try get our 7/7’s down packed! 

***Question of the Day*** [Inspired by Miss Jamaica and the Livestrong Fitness Tip of the Day]

Being active is about more than hitting the gym or turning on a fitness video. How will you be more active this week?

My answer:

I’m going to park further away in our carpark which will mean an extra 50-100metres a day = extra 1km walking a week 

STARS Guidelines:
- This challenge isn’t about how much weight you lose each week, it’s about your mental/emotional/psychological view and commitment to a long lasting healthy lifestyle, forming new long lasting habits. The weight loss will come from this of course, but the basic guidelines for this challenge are:
Exercising minimum 30 minutes a day, meeting calorie net goal every day. A perfect winning week would look like = 7/7 exercise, 7/7 calories. By all means do more. If I miss a day and do double the next day, I log no missed day as I’ve made it up – just chucking that idea out there, don’t beat yourself up ever!

- Write as much as possible when writing to your buddy and in the forum, we are in this TOGETHER!

- Please MESSAGE me (fifibox) your end of week update on or before Sunday night of each week.

- Support, support, support! Who can’t use a home court advantage? Let’s cheer each other on!


In order to maintain some order on the forum, I will close the forum and start a new one every Monday with the results you have messaged me on the Sunday. So, look for “STARS Challenge – End of Week 2” etc. each week.

Keep Shining STARS!
Fi  xo


  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    I am going to have a dance when its possible and im listening to music, even in shops - always walk with a spring in my step and bob along....
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    I am going to have a dance when its possible and im listening to music, even in shops - always walk with a spring in my step and bob along....

    Yeah that's good, music def put's a spring in my step to :-)
  • azalea30
    azalea30 Posts: 19
    thank you for your help lovely this is so good of you doing this, get motivation. :) keep it up everyone :)
  • Ambeee11
    Ambeee11 Posts: 51 Member
    I plan on working out regardless of what the weather is doing! Also running (instead of walking) up my stairs at my house (3 flights) to get a little extra burst!