Reasons for losing weight?



  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Because I am worth it!

  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Because I look like crap and feel like crap at this weight.

    Because I'm 50 for crying out loud and still fat. (I love being 50, just don't love being fat :happy: )
    I've wasted not years but decades of my precious life disliking all this fat but haven't managed to be disciplined enough to finish the job of losing my excess weight.
    Because at this age, you start to realize that in all likelihood, you have more years behind you than in front of you and it becomes even more precious to you not to waste any of it. Being obese is a waste of energy, both physically and emotionally.

    Because I want to walk down the street in a slim, sexy skirt and feel the air between my legs, not my thighs rubbing together. :bigsmile:
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    My reasons, in order:

    Health. Slim, fit people live longer & healthier lives.

    Physical comfort. Bouncing bellies, thighs that rub together and extra weight that makes every activity hard work are no fun.

    Social status. There is a lot of conscious and unconscious bias against fat people. They get paid less, are less likely to get promotions, are less likely to be seen as disciplined, reliable, and likable.

    Aesthetics: I don't like the way I look when I'm overweight.
  • kps1104
    kps1104 Posts: 58
    I want to lose weight so that I can feel good about myself again :P I am not comfortable, I am now self conscious and I have no self esteem. After gaining weight with both pregnancies but never losing all of it, I feel like I am just not myself. I want to get back to the person I was. I was strong, motivated, determined, and had lots of self esteem; I just felt comfortable and happy. And yes, I am the happiest I have ever been with my family, hubby and kids, but I am not happy with myself. I have never been this weight and it just makes me feel bad.
    I am doing it for me, it will ultimately make me a better mother, wife, friend, and overall better person. I know weight shouldn't have this much affect on you, but it does. I want to feel like myself again. I am getting there, little by little! Baby steps; I started zumba class and after a few months I feel confident enough to not care about how I look dancing out there, lol. So now comes the weight part :P
  • mememe84
    mememe84 Posts: 35 Member
    i want to lose weight to help myself i don't feel comfortable in any clothes and feel like they are stuck to me my partner says i look lovely as i am but i'd like to feel sexy for once without my belly wobbling away x
  • Rollyrover
    Rollyrover Posts: 68 Member
    i also want to be able to go into a shop and walk to the smaller clothes and not head for the bigger section.
    those clothes are either to big and they not flattering. Its like wearing a sugar sake sometimes. Tighter clothes show off every bulge or spare tyre. That makes me feel very self conscious and blumpy