Do you drink tap water?



  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I love my Brita pitcher. I'm in Southern California and in my particular city, the water comes from mountain spring/aquaifers. In Los Angeles, it's a different story. Our tap water isn't too bad, but I find that the Brita filter really makes the water taste great. I also find that it helps to freeze the water and take it out of the freezer when it's slushy.

    Have you tried adding some orange, lemon or cucumber slices to your water to mask the flavor?

    As for the Brita filters, you can sometimes find coupons in the newspaper or online. Do you have Costco-type warehouse stores in your area? Sometimes you can find a big pack of filters for $15. If you use your pitcher/filter daily, each filter will last about 2 months. The big pack of filters usually has 6 filters. It's pretty economical.
  • ContinuousEffort
    I drink tap water. I actually like it so much that I fill bottles to take with me during the day. It has different tastes and sometimes gets earthy. Am I weird to like tap water??
  • dawgmaven
    dawgmaven Posts: 10 Member
    I can't taste a difference between (Chicago) tap water and bottled. I rarely buy bottled as it seems an unnecessary expense. I've heard that much bottled water is just bottled tap water anyhoo.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Never, but I do drink filtered water from my fridge.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I always drink tap water, I usually add a slice of lemon. Lemon water is my favorite!
  • fukuyama
    fukuyama Posts: 43
    Have you tried boiling the water ?
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    To tired to read all these so not sure if someone else has suggested it...but... do u know someone that has well water instead of tap water? My boyfriends water comes from a spring compared to mine that's city water (tap)...anyway, u could go once a week or 2x a monthly, and fill up ur old bottles & empty gallons at their house when u go to visit...

    Also, in my area, I know of 2 springs that r public, and u see ppl there all the time filling up..its a bit of a drives into the country from where I'm at, but...just suggesting--maybe ur area has something like that...its just like a pipe that comes out and fresh mountain spring water pours out at all times...

    Another boss has this 5gallon water dispensor...I'm not sure how much she paid for the stand but I know its 1.75 for the refill, or 35cents to just get a gallon...

    Also...have u tried adding lemon to ur water? It boosts metabolism so it'd be win win, help the taste (hopefully) plus the metabolism thing...

    Also ice water helps metabolism, the colder the better, however sometimes the ice has a stronger chlorine odor that the water...not always...

    Lastly, what about switching to iced tea? Ud still get ur water, plus tons of natural antioxidants, and depending on the tea even potassium. It'd help the water flavor without adding some type of crystal light artificial type thing...
  • CarolMorris66
    We came to Florida a couple of years ago from England where I think our tap water is very good and extremely palatable and found all of your water awful... bottled or tap. I came home and felt completely dehydrated (we visited in July/August), so I feel very sorry for you all having to drink it and not having the nice tasting water that we have... or is it just what we are used to???
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Maybe try slicing up some lemons or another fruit in it to save the taste? We weren't allowed to drink from the tap in my hometown so water from the tap pretty much petrifies me.

    Sliced cucumbers work great too.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    When I drank tap water, it always tasted better if I put it in a glass bottle or jar and let it get really cold in the refigerator. I would save big jars from spagetti sauce or cocktail juice and wash them out really well. For some reason the water tasted better from a glass jar.
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    I am fortunate enough to live in a city with good tap water and prefer it to bottled water. I have some store bought bottles that I refill and keep in the refrigerator. I find that when the water is cold, it doesn't taste any different from bottled water.
  • kristendo
    kristendo Posts: 25
    I used to have the same problem, i could NOT stand tap water. basically what got me to switch was my eco friendly friend found out how many plastic water bottles i was buying a day, and she bought me a nice travel bottle. it was extremely hard to do first because of the taste, and my paranoia of the "safely" of tap water. what helped me a lot was always keeping it on me and having ice in it. there's something about it being really really cold that makes me forget its tab water. after a month or so i finally got used to it :) now the only time i buy water is when im dying of thirst and i did not bring my own :)

    anyways good luck!
  • feliciapeters
    buy a few gallons of spring water at the grocery store. you can refill bottles from that. Many grocery stores have a water dispenser machine in the lobby, where you can refill the empty gallon bottles for about .50 or so.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm lucky to live in a beautiful welsh valley where the water is lovely...we always get compliments from other people visiting.

    If the Brita filter doesn't work, try adding a slice of lemon as suggested.

    I think with time it should begin to taste normal to you, surely your apartment must follow certain regulations to ensure it is safe to drink, so I wouldn't worry about the any health consequences.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    Get a water cooler! You save so much plastic that way too. You can buy 5 gallon bottles from Lowes, and exchange them for new bottles at only $6 a piece. :)
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I grew up drinking nothing but tap water & well water, and never thought anything of it until I moved away to college in another state and discovered that not all water is created equal. :-) Depending on the mineral content, it can make the water harder or softer or give it a different taste, so what works for one person in one geographic area may not work for someone in a different place. To cover the taste, I mean. You're probably just going to have to experiment, there are lots of good ideas here in previous posts. What has worked for me most often is keeping it extremely cold and dropping a couple of cucumber slices in the bottom of the pitcher.

    But if it sets your mind at ease at all, the brownish water at first is nothing to worry about. Every place I've ever lived, that's been the case, whether using a kitchen sink or a water fountain. If no one else has used it in a few hours, the first few seconds of water has been sitting in the elbow of the pipe all that time, where minerals tend to collect. It won't hurt you, but if the taste or color bothers you, just run the water until it's clear, 10-15 seconds, before you drink.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I don't mind our tap water (doesn't taste like much of anything to me) but occasionally there are creepy issues like you described (oldish pipes - house was built in 1958).

    We have a Brita pitcher (okay, not a pitcher...more like a tub!) which works well and we sometimes find deals on filters online. We don't do bottled water but for on the go refill reusable bottles. Luckily I have access to water at work (not a cooler, but filtered) that I use to refill my bottle (I recently posted a topic about bottles - I'm searching for the perfect one :blushing: ).

    ...and those water refill places - I have seen them around but never used them - maybe there are some up clue! Here is one I remember seeing around here:,-95.493998&sspn=0.864483,1.234589&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Houston,+Texas+77006&ll=29.73866,-95.401658&spn=0.006763,0.009645&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=29.738656,-95.401767&panoid=P3f05wO1lHFKVW5eqpGVmQ&cbp=12,172.92,,0,-3.5
  • lilfind
    lilfind Posts: 4
    Go to You can still fill this filtered water bottle up with tap water! Good for the environment by not using plastic water bottles anymore!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    no, tap water gives me a stomach ache.

    I don't like Brita water it tastes like tap water but if you can get the 0 water I'd suggest it. It's awesome and tastes great. I can taste it when the filter is going bad and reads 0.8 lol...I'm very sensitive to changes in water because it makes me sick.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I drink tap water..i think our water tastes pretty clean..and good on those warm/hot days when its ice cold. :bigsmile: