hungry all the time

all i think about is food, i still eat a lot, and i really try not to give into the hunger pains, i substitue the need for food with water, juice and green tea but i just feel so hungry all the time! its ruining my life


  • hiya2rose
    same! i find it easier to have five small meals a day, lose weight so much faster because your metabolism doesn't stop, and you never have to go too long with out eating!xxxxxxxx
  • dalzinho
    dalzinho Posts: 52
    I've been keeping some actimels in the fridge. Dunno if you have them wherever you are, it's kind of like a pro-biotic yoghurt in a small 100ml bottle. Handily, they give the sensation of being full.

    Apparently smoking cigarettes has the same effect, though it is not advisable for the wider health implications.
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I can't really offer you any advice but... I think about food a lot too!!

    You have done really well so far judging by your signature so hopefully someone with some know how can help you. :)
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    You should not be hungry all the time. Are you consistently under your calories for the day? Are you not "eating back" the calories you earn during exercise? If so, stop it! You should be eating practically all your calories, since MFP already calculates in the deficit you need to have to lose weight.

    If you ARE eating enough, and are still hungry, examine your diary. Are you eating enough protein? Maybe eating too much sugars or fruits that are causing insulin spikes?
  • carinalewis
    ye i do smoke far too much to stop myself from eating and then i feel sick!!!! i really hope i stop feeling hungry soon
  • roxanne71
    Hi there, i was the same as you always hungry but now as ive set out a food diary and i no what im supposed to be eating has really helped! i set out my foods for carbs and proteins and i now feel i dont feel that hunger pain during the day, i used to crave sweet sugary things all the time but now replace this with a banana or an apple or a low fat yogurt. I do drink water like you but not a vast amount, you need to eat less but often hope this helps and good luck :)
  • kehowe83
    kehowe83 Posts: 79 Member
    Best I can offer is to up your protien and fiber. Lots of veggies = full belly on low calories.
    I am sure you have heard it before, but that is the best I can offer.. sorry
  • stv1520
    stv1520 Posts: 199 Member
    Do you start with a good breakfast? I mean like a scrambled eggs and bacon breakfast? I have that during the work week and I'm full until lunch! Plus drinking fluids helps until lunch too! Try that!
  • sokobebe
    sokobebe Posts: 2
    Drinking tons of water always helps me, but I have a massive sweet tooth as well. Something that always satisfies my craving is milk. I run down to the corner store and get a 500ml carton. It's 70kcal and filling. A lot of people don't like to drink straight up milk, but it does the trick.

    Have you tried hoodia supplements?

    Hope that helps!
  • Theweebarrell
    Theweebarrell Posts: 100 Member
    I am the same as you, i think about food all the time, that is the reason i came back today to MFP, i have been awol for about 6 months . I am going to give it another go as i only lasted a week the last time . lots of great advice given that i will be taking up myself . Good Luck, feel free to add me as a friend if you want and we can help each other
  • dalzinho
    dalzinho Posts: 52
    hun-gry! hehehe!
  • carinalewis
    seriously its like im starved, i love food!!!!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm the same way....and it doesn't matter what I eat (lots of protein, veggies, fruit, etc)....I'm still always hungry.