How the Gym has changed my lifestyle

Shines97 Posts: 6
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I first joined the gym in 2003 because I went up from weighing 118.9lb to 162.32lbs which was a UK size 8 to a UK size 14! :sad: I was assigned a personal trainer at the gym I was signed up to at the time (Toby Rowlnd who has since been on the front of Men's Health Mag numerous times) He helped me with my fitness and also with my diet and I got back down to 118.9lb but I was too skinny and dropped to a UK size 6 :sick: - in 2006/2007. I then left that gym and didn't go for a while jut every now and again and I slowly started putting on the lbs.

In 2009 a friend asked me to join her in attending Bodypump which is a 60min strength and conditioning class using weights class, I loved it and even after she stopped I still continued to attend about 2x pw. In 2010 I was a healthy 130lbs UK size 8 but then I got into a bad relationship and started drinking excessively :drinker: and by the end of 2010 I thankfully dropped the relationship :bigsmile: but put on a whopping 28lbs and couldn't fit into any of my skinny jeans :frown: (thankfully leggings were still in fashion!! Lol) In Jan my 2 sons (age 14 and 9) told me they think I drink too much and gave me the challenge of stopping for 2wks so I wanted to prove to them that their Mum didn’t have a drink problem and I topped for 2mnths. I do have the occasional drink but its much more under control.

I have been celibate since October 2010 and have taken up meditation, I actually feel spiritually cleansed inside and out! Since Jan I have stepped up my gym regime to 4 to 5x pw for 2hrs each session with mixture of classes and gym workouts including: Bodypump, Bodyattack which is a 60min high intensity cardio class, I describe it as aerobics on crack lol!!, Zumba and also Free Weight Sessions.

I’m no longer obsessed with getting back to the skinny me, I’m currently 141lbs but I’m toned and feel more energetic and Im learning to love the skin and curves Ive been blessed with.

Would love to hear your stories and also any fitness/health tips or issues you may be facing, remember a problem aired is a problem halved! :flowerforyou:


  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. I am a grandma but am just tired of being overweight. My knees and joints are getting stiff and I know weight is part of the problem.

    I was interested when you mentioned that you feel "spiritually cleansed inside and out". I just wondered if you were a Christian? I feel cleansed because of what Jesus Christ has done for me. I was a dirty, rotten sinner and Christ gave me a new life in Him. I don't want you to think that I have always followed Jesus. I had a rebellious time in my life when I turned my back on everything about God. I was enrolled in college but a week before I was to go I found out I was pregnant. Well, to make a long story short, I DIDN'T go to college but got married at age 18. My daughter was and still is the most beautiful part of my life.

    Sorry,didn't mean to get on a soapbox! Anyway, God helped me then and eventually I turned back to Him when my husband left me 13 years later. I am now married to a wonderful man and we are very blessed. I guess I just related to you when you said you had 2 sons and I know what it is like to be a single mom.

    Maybe we can be friends.
    Jean for Iowa USA
  • Shines97
    Shines97 Posts: 6
    Hi Jean and thanks for sharing your story, you don't look like a grnadmother so good on you!

    I am a Christian because that's the religion my family brought me up in, I do pray and believe in God, I give thanks but I don't go to church often, my eldest son is in a Sunday football leauge so usually Im driving around Essex getting him to matches when church is in session. I do believe that becoming celibate has given me the chance to spiritually connect with my inner self and hopefully it will help me not to make poor relationship choices in the future!

    Looks like you have finally found well deserved happiness in your life which i great, I hope one day I do too but for now Im happy to focus on my kids, work and gym lol xx
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