Feel like I can't do this anymore.



  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    ah no I'm not going to quit I'm just feeling really mad right now, haha! I wish this fat would just bugger off!

    Have you seen the Dr. Who episode where your fat jumps out of you and disappears??

    If only! :)
  • Hi,

    Have you also thought that if you are working out more, you're replacing some of that excess weight with new muscle weight?

    You've probably just hit a flat spot where these two are balancing out, but your fitness is still improving, which has to be a good thing.

    Enjoy the races!

    ***Big Hugs***
  • Crikey Supersizeswee, here's me moaning about my weight and generally feeling low and there's you recovering from cancer, shame on me! Sometimes we forget what other people go through don't we.
  • PST0622
    PST0622 Posts: 115
    I have also struggled with my weight since I was young. When I was 10, I was put on a low sodium diet for my blood pressure and told I had to lose 20 lbs. So, I understand the constant struggle and frustration.

    Remember that you are strong and surrounded by people who understand. We all have days when we feel like we can't go on, but we do and YOU CAN DO IT!!!! If it is nice outside where you are, take a walk and breath some fresh air!!! Clear your thoughts and then get your goals back together.....and keep moving forward. Every pound lost is one pound to kiss goodbye forever. If it comes off slowly, it is more likely to stay off!!!!

    Good luck to you.....we are all behind you!
  • Keeping the hugs alive HUG*

    These kind of times really are an awful feeling...
    Do not give up though, concentrate on the steps you can control...eating...exercising...enjoying life...
    Losing weight is something that will take care of itself in the right circumstances...for ANYONE.
    The important thing is to be on the right path...
    Exercise in some moderation everyday is essential...but make it enjoyable!
    Happiness and Motivation are other essentials...be happy that you have taken solid steps already, and keep going!
    and lastly...FOOD...

    I am a firm believer in the Paleo way of eating...look into it.
    It's a natural food plan that contains only what our bodies were meant to work on.
    I eat only lean meats (eggs and seafood included), vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and spices.
    (No dairy, grains, legumes)

    I struggle to get to my calorie limit...but have tons of energy and the results are incredible!!
    You can eat as much of this as you want and you will feel great...and naturally strip off excess weight.

    Good luck
    Chin up :)
  • What a great bunch you are, thanks! Now how do I lose 4lbs in 3 days, hahahaha! I've got a dress to be fitting into!
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    I know exactly how you feel... I have had the same problem since about age 13... and just learned about 6 months ago I have PCOS so I am working on treatments with my doc. It's rough that's for sure. Right now the only thing getting me thru it is my workouts. Although Im not losing anything on the scale, I feel better overall. Good luck and don't give up!

    I'm glad I followed this thread today... I feel EXACTLY the same! I to have PCOS and have been beating myself up over the past few weeks. All I want to do is lose about a stone - perhaps a stone and a half (14 lbs - 21lbs) BUT, despite eating healthily, sticking to my calories, exercising more than ever, i haven't lost any physical weight but my clothes feel looser. Only recently though, i've started to feel like there's no change anymore so I started to feel slightly depressed. I think my problem is I am not drinking enough water so I'm going to up my water intake. I'm also going to exericse everyday and cut out bread as I think this is a bad thing for PCOS sufferers (unless it's wholegrain). Lots of wholegrains and less process foods are good for PCOS sufferers. We also have a sugar intolerence so we have to be careful when eating things like fruit. Best advice i've ever had, when eating a banana, for example, eat it with a handful of nuts - this will counter-act with the sugar levels so they're the right balance. Try swapping normal pasta to wholewheat pasta. And as many whole foods as possible. We need to follow a low GI diet. I've lost weight following this plan in the past and I seriously need to dig out my books on the subject again. I am desperate to shift this weight and I will not let it win!!!
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    BIG "HUGS":bigsmile:
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    another PCOS sufferer.

    It does come off but it takes time.

    Don't forget if you don't have a huge amount to loose setting your calorie goals to loose 2lb a week is going to be very unlikely to work, the closer you get to your goal the slower the weight will come off.

    big hugs
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Big hug!!! This is the place to be when you are down. You did the right thing coming here, and not to the "real" people in your life, who more often than not say unhelpful things like, "Oh you look fine, don't worry about it." and other crap.

    I was a nurse-midwife and worked with a lot of PCOS women. Every one of them required a little different program, but every one that was committed was able to lose weight and improve her endocrine function. Insulin resistance is a huge part of PCOS, so often a low carb, NO white carb, diet is appropriate. I am not an advocate of low carbs across the board, but for PCOS it is a great starting place. You want to banish just about everything white from your diet: white breads, potatoes, rice, corn, bananas, and of course, sugar. You want to keep fruits to 2-3 servings a day, and avoid the high glycemic ones, and eat lots of vegetables and lean protein. It is a lifestyle change that you will have to follow forever, because your body requires it. If you think of it as therapy, as medically necessary treatment, and eventually as life-sustaining, it stops being a battle and becomes routine.

    You will have to find out if there are other triggers you need to avoid. A delayed sensitivities test might be very helpful, and covered by insurance if your doctor orders it. It will test for foods that your body treats like enemies (commonly called allergies) that might play a part in your auto-immune response. If you can't get the test, you can do an elimination diet to test for problems. Start with the biggies. Go for 2 weeks without any wheat/gluten. This is hard to do and requires a lot of preparation, reading labels and buying gluten-free alternatives. If you feel better, then stay gluten-free, if not, add it back in. Next do 2 weeks without dairy. It isn't quite as hard as gluten, but almost. You can then do the same thing with nuts, and any other food you might think is a problem. It's a pain, but it sure can make a difference in your life.

    I know you didn't ask for a clinical consult, but I am a teacher by nature, and I know there are a lot of therapies out there that the physicians pooh-pooh that really work. Read up on PCOS and insulin resistance, but avoid the websites selling something. Library books are a big help when looking for alternative therapies, and nutritionists and personal trainers often know good sources of information also.

    I know you can live a healthier life, so keep up the good work!
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    I feel your pain i suffered from PCOS 3 yrs ago for a number of yrs, you can do this, baby steps, hope the meds start to work for you, still watch what u eat and that weight will come off :) *HUGS*
  • Really appreciate all your words of encouragement, I feel better already. I'm weighing in tomorrow but not expecting anything. I had an early weigh on sunday - I know, I shouldn't do that! But I had put 1lb on, we'll see tomorrow! Think I'm also due on my period - one week early! Very strange how it's early with PCOS am always late, so my hormones are running riot at the moment, haha!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member

    I know how you feel! I was diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago, when I actually had to have one of my ovaries removed. Some days are an uphill battle, but there are things that can help.

    1) Have you had your vitamin D levels tested? About 80% of PCOS sufferers are D deficient. This vitamin helps with mood, boosts immunity, and increases insulin sensitivity. It also helps lessen body aches and pains.

    2) Are you doing a low-carb way of eating? PCOS sufferers are usually insulin resistant and pre-diabetic. Cutting out starches and increasing fresh veggies helps alot with this.

    3) Do you take a multivitamin and an omega 3 (fish oil) supplement daily? This also helps increase metabolism and improve overall mood. The omega 3s also help protect your heart and brain, since PCOS-ers have higher risk of heart attack or stroke.

    PCOS is not a death sentence. It does take time and more work, but you can get your hormones to function pretty normally again. Watching your diet and exercising is actually the best treatment for it, in the long run. Don't give up! :-)
  • soeurj
    soeurj Posts: 8 Member
    I know how you feel. I've been battling the weight loss game for 40 years but this time I am determined. Please don't give up. Think where you would be if you did not try. You are only better for making the effort. I believe it will happen. We are here to support you.
  • mlkiel
    mlkiel Posts: 91
    I just saw your picture and you look GREAT!!! Hang in there we all have those days look at it this way, you might not be losing weigh but maintaining isn't bad. Keep your head up, hang in there, and hugs to ya!:wink:
  • Wow, thank you brneydgrlie, why have the doctors never told me any of that before! I will certainly follow your advice, thank you.

    You are all great, I really do appreciate it.
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