New and improving

I am a 33 year old wife and mother who has struggled my whole life with weight. I have been on every diet program imaginable since I was 12. I am currently at my heaviest weight ever and was just diagnosed with diabetes. I have a very active 2 year old that I would like to see grow up. I finally have the motivation I have been lacking most of my life and hopefully the support I have needed as well. This site has been great for my sister and I am looking forward to meeting the new and healthier me.


  • Walorie
    Walorie Posts: 44
    Welcome...I got the same diagnosis the day before Thanksgiving. After the anger at myself subsided...I got serious and got moving...and now 45 pounds later I feel better than I ever have!
  • Aintplayin
    Aintplayin Posts: 102
    Welcome...I got the same diagnosis the day before Thanksgiving. After the anger at myself subsided...I got serious and got moving...and now 45 pounds later I feel better than I ever have!

    Congratulations to your victory!!! I gain more strength when people just bite the bullet and take control.
  • Aintplayin
    Aintplayin Posts: 102
    You will find so many tips and encouragement here. I'm Angel. Nice to meet you.
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    You can do it. I have PCOS which can lead to diabetes, and it causes weight loss to be very difficult. This site is wonderful and you will find others that have the same issues and will tell you what will help. Welcome to MFP!
  • OptimisticCAT
    OptimisticCAT Posts: 2 Member

    I joined about a week ago, tried other diets years ago. I was at my highest weight ever at the beginning of the year and decided to do something about it. I like this site and think it is what I was looking for to add to my program of weight loss. Not much to report yet, except I did have an initial success of 6 lb. loss.
  • bigmommy2011
    HI my name is Deloris I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was 30 i/m now 51 and I know how hard it is to lose weight.We can do this together one day at a time.:smile::happy: And welcome and good luck