Sex and Weight Loss

Dkp1611 Posts: 16
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So I find myself wondering today if sex counts towards my excersize diary? I never have figured out the answer to this and am normally to shy to ask, but I have to know. Can I put it in as aerobics? And if I can use it as excersize, do I put the minutes down for the whole time, or should I cut it in half for the moments when I'm not being as active? I hope this doesn't get deleted cause I'd really like an aswer to my question :blushing:


  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    If it is intense the I add it.
  • Sure it counts as exercise!!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I honestly wouldnt count it. Unless you are wearing a HRM you wont actually know how much you burn. And its really not much or worth logging. Its just part of normal daily activity in my opinion.

    Just make love and be happy! Its a time to take your mind off weight loss and enjoy.
  • mconn16
    mconn16 Posts: 1
    its exercise in my book!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    It does count as exercise but probably less than you'd imagine, unless you know you're literally hanging off chandeliers and stuff .
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Haha I have yet to wear my HRM during it,but I'm going to,I wanna know how many cals I burn!!!:blushing:
  • LexyDawn
    LexyDawn Posts: 113
    It definitely counts!

    I'd say wear a HRM to keep track, but that might ruin the mood lol ; )
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't count it. I just consider it a nice bonus. A very, very nice bonus. :happy:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Are we talkin' lunch break or all-nighter?
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    It does count as exercise but probably less than you'd imagine, unless you know you're literally hanging off chandeliers and stuff .

    LOL @ hanging off chandeliers and stuff!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    That's AWESOME!!! If somebody does wear a HRM during, can you let us know??? I'm waiting on a new watch, and when I get it, I'll try it and let you know!
    : )
  • gunny34
    gunny34 Posts: 68
    LOL... funny post.. I have heard that it is GREAT exercise but I have never wore the HRM and actually counted. I'm sure its good for you. But like a previous post... I consider it to be a bonus. ;O) SWING!
  • it burns hardly any calories despite how great you or he thinks you are...not worth counting ( though depending on your rating on the freaky scale, you may want to log those calorie free proteins you ingested)
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    how would u log it? its not under cardio?
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member

    Just make love and be happy! Its a time to take your mind off weight loss and enjoy.

    Full agree. I'm quite "obsessed" with the weight loss journey I'm going through at the moment, but counting calories earned by doing the deed is taking it a step too far IMO.
  • Dkp1611
    Dkp1611 Posts: 16
    Are we talkin' lunch break or all-nighter?
    Def all night, and very active most of time
  • finity559
    finity559 Posts: 59 Member
    Maybe if u buy one if those gadgets that monitor your heartbeat you can see if you really are burning calories. I've read in Cosmo & Womans World magazines that sex isn't really considered cardio or a exercise that u can count towards calorie burn. Kinda how they don't count strength training here on MFP. Usually it differs on position & intensity. When your running or walking its a constant pace. With sex there are fast moments & slow moments, heartbeats are rapid, then slow. Unless you olympic style I think you should by one of those heart beat monitors so you can find out for sure, except it may seem kinda I personally don't count those times as cardio. Feels like a cheat TO ME.
  • finity559
    finity559 Posts: 59 Member
    Full agree. I'm quite "obsessed" with the weight loss journey I'm going through at the moment, but counting calories earned by doing the deed is taking it a step too far IMO.

    I THINK SO TOO....:ohwell: lol
  • Dkp1611
    Dkp1611 Posts: 16
    LOL, thanks for all the responses gals. I think it might be funny to try the HRM thing, and I'm pretty sure the guy I'm seeing will think its funny too. I might try it out just to see. Keep you posted! :laugh:
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    I honestly wouldnt count it. Unless you are wearing a HRM you wont actually know how much you burn. And its really not much or worth logging. Its just part of normal daily activity in my opinion.

    Just make love and be happy! Its a time to take your mind off weight loss and enjoy.

    I agree, this is a normal daily activity, you shouldnt log it or worry about it ;)
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