Hello MFP people! Training to qualify for the Boston

I am using MFP to correctly fuel my body as I train to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I'm almost there...just need to take off 8 minutes from my previous marathon (2nd marathon I've ever ran). If you have any training tips or recipes that are great for training/fuel, please don't hesitate to send them to me. I've only been running since 2009, but love it!

When I started training in 2009, I weighed 215 lbs. On race day, I weighed 173!

If you live in the Dayton, OH area and want to go for a run, let me know. I run my long runs every Saturday or Sunday, depending on the weather. My next race (training) is the ORRRC Half in Xenia, OH.

Good luck to everyone in reaching their goals!!




  • jrlitt76
    jrlitt76 Posts: 52
    awesome! Running my first full in Oct, currently training for a half in May and another Aug..live in Chillicothe about an hour away, always looking for new running contacts. friend me if you like
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    Good luck - are you aware of the new qualification rules ?
  • akascotty2hotty
    Boston...I'm in awe! lol I have trained for 4 marathons, only ran one and had cramping issues that put me way off target! But my target was still about 50 mins off a Boston qualifing time. I'm thinking that with the new Q-times, if I keep running I might be able to qualify when I'm 60! lol

    This year I have a 1/2 in May and in Oct I'm doing a half and have kinda set it up as a family get together and am trying to get my extended family to sign up for any race distance...so far 5 of us are in. Figured we only see cousins, etc at Weddings and Furnerals...maybe we could include races in there too! lol

    Keep us posted on your progress and how you do! I'd love to run with ya...but I'm way up here in Canada!
  • Gazzaway
    Gazzaway Posts: 13
    Well, I was diagnosed with gout in my right foot two weeks ago, so my training has suffered. I ran the ORRRC Half this past Sunday (1:36:16), so I'm still on track.
  • Gazzaway
    Gazzaway Posts: 13
    Yes, but the Q times are for 2013, right?
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Amazing job! Best wishes to you on your marathon! Just started it my self and if you look at today and yesterday's menu for me you will see what my trainer gave me to try to burn some body fat. I am suppose to add one more meal since my workout has increased and I now run 3.1 miles daily! Good luck!