Burn more calories than you eat?????

"Burn more calories than you eat", I was looking at another site where someone said this is how you lose weight!
Is this how it really works? Now i feel dumb asking this but it hit me when I read it. I have not been going by this and have been doing fine with losing weight. But I'm just wondering if i have been clueless about losing weight in the first place.


  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    You need to have a calorie deficit (more out than in) to lose weight, but MFP figures a deficit for you so you don't HAVE to exercise in order to lose weight. You just stick to the calorie 'budget' it gives you and you'll lose. However, if you want to tone up and build lean muscle you need to add exercise in too... just make sure you are hitting a min of 1200 calories NET or you're going to do your body more harm than good. Good luck!
  • lovemyhellokitty
    lovemyhellokitty Posts: 72 Member
    I think that statement is correct- You are supposed to burn more calories than you eat in order to lose weight. However, this site gives you a deficit right off the bat so that is why you can choose to eat your exercise calories if you want and still lose weight :)
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    MFP builds this calorie deficit in for you.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    that is a moronic statement. It is not impossible to do so but it will guaranteed halt your weight loss dead in its tracks. Women require 1200/day min to function properly on a metabolic scale unless they are exceptionally small (shorter than 5 ft tall) men require no less than 1500/day to do the same. Yes we do need to reduce caloric intake but more importantly you need to start feeding the body right to get the most out of a weight loss regimen.
  • marshmallowmind
    marshmallowmind Posts: 82 Member
    Every person on here, that I've seen, has said that you must have minimum net calories of 1,200. Otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. Which basically means you're body will store everything you eat & losing weight can become a hell of a lot harder!
    Do as MFP says, it's worked for most of us. :)
  • rebeccawible
    I felt the same way until I had a friend recommend this site. Had no idea what to do. Nothing worked for me until I counted calories. :bigsmile: Hope it works for you too!
  • aces_babydoll
    Well, I'm happy with the way I have been doing it and comfortable with it.
    It just hit me when this poster posted that. For a second i had to question everything. It sounded backwards to me and off.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    It is true, but a lot of people referring to this forget to include all of the numbers. To keep it accurate, you have to add up ALL of the factors.

    First, BMR is what you burn just being alive, as if in a coma. Then you add your daily activity level, as in what you do for work, brushing your teeth, watching tv, cooking dinner, etc. Purposeful exercise is not included in this (on MFP.) These together give you your maintenance calories (can be seen at top right under Goals.)

    MFP creates a built in deficit, giving you a daily cal goal that allows for your chosen weight loss per week. That deficit remains whether you exercise or not. MFP adds cals for exercise to keep that deficit stable - and therefore your weight loss stable.
  • aces_babydoll
    OMG Im so glad I found this site before I saw that statement! I think it would have messed me up. LOL Keeping track on here has helped to. I just figured you guys would have had a better idea about it.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    there are a lot of ppl out there with piss poor advice for real fat loss, many are perceiving muscle loss as fat loss and that is totally wrong, loss of muscle will actually slow down the metabolic rate which in turn makes it easier to gain fat. Yoyo diets, protein power plan, atkins, slim fast, diet pills, none of them are a replacement for proper diet.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yes, this is how you lose weight. But you have to keep in mind that your body burns calories all day long. Don't try to burn off all your calories by exercise, that will result in an enormous calorie deficit and your body won't get any nutrition or calorie to use in order to maintain normal daily functions.
  • aces_babydoll
    Ladyhawk00~ The poster also never added anything extra(like what you said) to their statement so it was very confusing. lol
  • slindsey137
    slindsey137 Posts: 214 Member
    The only stupid question is the one unasked.
    Here on MFP, we treat every one nicely. Remember Thumper everyone.
    All of the respectful answers are good ones.
  • aces_babydoll
    Thanks so much!!!!!
    I just wanted to make sure i was on the right track and was not sure if there was another way i should be changing things up but I got it.:happy: (from now on im going to just look info up on here instead of other places). I had even seen people saying "just dont eat and you will lose weight", Yah, I dont believe that either. LOL Disaster waiting to happen. Oh well, I'm glad this site is here :smile:
  • aces_babydoll
    Noadditives---- Thanks so much, You answered my question where i was confused at first :smile: