goodbye muffin top!

I started using Myfitnesspal a few months ago but didn't even know it was a website! I thought it was just an App! lol Well, once again I'm trying to lose weight and make healthy habits. My biggest downfall is chocolate (whose isn't?) and I'd love comments about how to enjoy an occasional chocolate without adding on 5 pounds! Well, here it goes! flat tummy here i come!


  • joan41
    joan41 Posts: 170 Member
    you gotta try the vitamuffin vitatops or vitabrownies. They are in the freezer food section. I order mine online because you can get more. Anyway there is a deep chocolate, peanut butter and chocolate, triple chocolate get the picture. They are only 100 calories, Most of the are less than 2 grams of fat, and they are loaded with fiber. Talk about yummy!!! I heat mine in the microwave, usually have them for breakfast, cause I'm not a huge eatter. Any way fiberone also makes a 90 calorie chocolate bar that is good. There's also snackwells devils food cookies. I LOVE chocolate too!
  • MzChiz
    MzChiz Posts: 70 Member
    LOL I thought I was the only one who thought that!!!!!! Yes it's great to know I'm not alone lol
  • jilaneeaf
    jilaneeaf Posts: 38
    you gotta try the vitamuffin vitatops or vitabrownies. They are in the freezer food section. I order mine online because you can get more. Anyway there is a deep chocolate, peanut butter and chocolate, triple chocolate get the picture. They are only 100 calories, Most of the are less than 2 grams of fat, and they are loaded with fiber. Talk about yummy!!! I heat mine in the microwave, usually have them for breakfast, cause I'm not a huge eatter. Any way fiberone also makes a 90 calorie chocolate bar that is good. There's also snackwells devils food cookies. I LOVE chocolate too!

    YESSS!!! The Fiber One chocolate bars are wonderful!!!
  • ccadartist
    ccadartist Posts: 35 Member
    HA! I thought this thing was just an app for longest time as well. Good luck with your goals. I'm not a big fan of chocolate at all, but every once in a awhile I like to drink that Light Hot Chocolate mix. it's not too bad.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    I buy a bag of Ghiradelli 60% cacao chocolate chips and 8 chips is 40 calories. I've actually learned to love these over milk chocolate. I'm not wild about the Fiber one bars. Some of them have high fructose corn syrup in them and they make me crave more sweets. I haven't tried the vitamuffin's because they are really expensive at the grocery store. Everybody raves about them though! I also eat the Weight Watchers English Toffee ice cream bars. They are made with splenda and have 100 calories per bar. They are a nice dessert option in the evening.
  • Giggles0805
    Giggles0805 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone for the good ideas! we'll see where they get me!