New and actually excited!!

Hi Everyone;
Started yesterday, so far so good, went for a brisk walk last night; I finally see what all this hype about exercising is!! LOL
I felt like I could conquer the world. I have 46 pounds to lose, medically speaking! However, we'll see as the pounds shed, I never wanted to be super skinny. I like my curves :) Just want less of them!
I'm also trying to kick my smoking habit, I have drastically cut down! but i'm not sure if I can do it all at once!! Any advice out there??? :smile:


  • austxdreamin
    I like my curves too...but yes, less would be better. :wink:

    You might find as you work out, eat healthier...that you don't want that cigarette as much! Set some goals for both smoking and weight's hard enough tackling one lifestyle change and you are taking on two of them!!

    Best of luck to you!! I know you can do it!!

  • vodkaswigger
    Bizarre seeing your post, i have been on the site nearrly 2 weeks and am on day 3 of my cold turkey from cigs, hasnt been too bad actually. The reason i am 50ib over weight is due to quitting smoking a couple of years ago, i ended up back on the cigs for the past 6 month which didnt help with my weight. Add me as a friend if you like, if i have not lost any weight in the next couple of weeks i am going back to being a smoker as if both cant be done at once, i want to lose weight first, i will keep you updated xx
  • robbiedolly
    Thank you! I'm kinda trying to tackle everything at once! It's true what you say though, even after that one walk and fresh air last night I didn't really want a cigarette!