Needing a good support group

samara_334 Posts: 22 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I need people who will be willing to support me online with my weight loss goal. I was doing good for Jan and Feb but slacked off in March . I really need to get back on track so i can feel good for summer. I notice i do alot better when i have people congratulating me and supporting my exercise and eating habit. I need people to make sure i am tracking my food and if they dont see me online to confront me and get me back on track. anyone who is willing to do this i would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks , Rachael
And feel free to add me :)


  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    Hi I'm Holly. I joined this site about 2 weeks ago and I love it. I'll be here to cheer you on.
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello Rachel.
    I agree that a good support group is essential when doing something like this program.

    Stay with it and you'll do great. I look forward to reading about yours success on here soon.
  • ccadartist
    ccadartist Posts: 35 Member
    I'll add you!
  • Chrissle
    Chrissle Posts: 46 Member
    I would love to join a group that actually helps each other and sticks with the goals...I have joined a few and everyone is SUPER excited at the start and drops off of the face of the earth after about a week. I got back from my honeymoon a week and a half ago...haven't been able to find any is a new day, though. :)
  • samara_334
    samara_334 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join a group that actually helps each other and sticks with the goals...I have joined a few and everyone is SUPER excited at the start and drops off of the face of the earth after about a week. I got back from my honeymoon a week and a half ago...haven't been able to find any is a new day, though. :)

    Yeah this has been my problem in the past! I get like NO support from the friends i did have on here but i was always supporting them. so i thought it was time for some new friends .
  • samara_334
    samara_334 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank You everyone! I added everyone who sent me a request I had 10 in about 5 minutes that alone motivates me!
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    I need all the help and motivation I can get. I am doing great with exercise, but can't seem to get my eating under control. I start out great every day, and then by the end of the day, I have practically eaten the whole refrigerator. I could use some friends or groups for accountability.
  • A1Ortega
    A1Ortega Posts: 4 Member
    I've been at this since early December and it's been very slow going. And, lately, I've been falling off the wagon. Let's support each other. Let's get through today and meet our calorie and fitness goals!
  • sdirbder
    sdirbder Posts: 159 Member
    We all need someone to help us along. Hopefully we can support eachother.
  • It helps a ton to have people who support your healthier life style. I've been on here a while, but just got back in the saddle. All the friends that I had are no longer active so I'm looking for supportive friends too.
  • dougstevens
    dougstevens Posts: 208 Member
    It helps to find like-minded group. Not only in goals, but in attitude.

    Happy to hear that you're sticking with it, and huge KUDOS on coming back. Everyone, a round of applause.

    Remember, what Rocky says, "Its not about how hard you hit, but how you hard you get hit and come right back." (okay, paraphrasing).
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