Looking for some friends..

Im 18, looking to lose about 15-20 pounds. I don't really care if you have the same goals as me or not, but I feel like maybe if I had some friends on here I'd feel like that's more reason to do it, like being held more accountable for my actions?
Feel free to friend me!


  • FatBastard6135

    Welcome, and good luck with your goals!!! .. Friends make all the difference in the world :bigsmile:
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    I'm going to add you .... can never have too many friends supporting you and I've got waaaaay more to lose than you :o)
  • AngieOnTheBeach
    AngieOnTheBeach Posts: 44 Member
    WOW Write a blog post, come back, and 14 friend requests so fast!
    Thanks so much guys! Good luck to you all :)
  • cmor2005
    cmor2005 Posts: 21 Member
    Request sent :) Good luck!