My two halves don't match! Help!

Okay so here's the deal, I'm losing weight, yayyy, but JUST in my legs! I went from a size 18 to a size 12 in 3 months, and i'm still in size xl shirts. What am I doing wrong, is there some foods I shouldn't be eating (like carbs, I love carbs) or foods that I should be eating (if you say tomatoes, I will punch you) Should I be doing more ab workouts? Less spin and cardio workouts. I look like a skinny pair of legs holding up a fatty body! help!!!


  • skfj5
    skfj5 Posts: 70
    If only we could get our bodies to do what WE want them to do, huh? I'm not a professional...but I notice I "lose weight" unevenly...some places take longer to start looking trim than others. Like how my feet shrank (seriously??? My Feet??? Why not my *kitten*?!?!?!)...and my BOOBS...(NOT where I wanted to look smaller, thank you)...

    But as time went on...stuff started evening out. After much weight can you lose in your feet before it starts traveling up through your calves and thighs and...don't look now...but there goes my caboose!!! Whoot! Whoot!

    Patience is the motherhood of virtues when it comes to weight loss. Work hard, eat right, stick to your goals...everything will work out...
  • chefswife1975
    chefswife1975 Posts: 75 Member
    I always lose my lower body slower than my upper. I am FINALLY starting to lose that stubborn tummy fat that seemed to appear overnight one day. It just takes time. Keep going and you'll get there.
  • allie_00
    allie_00 Posts: 73
    We all have problem areas. It's ironic, actually, as I have the opposite problem! I carry most of my weight in my legs. I would wait it out! Things should, hopefully, balance out. If it really bothers you that much you could always try to tone up your leg muscles a little more. In the meantime, make sure you're doing a balance of weight and cardio.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Look into some body-weight exercises you can do them in the comfort of you own home, I'm finding something similar, down quite a bit in pants sizes but shirts I've still only got a couple that "fit" properly ie hang down enough to keep everything covered and it just doesn't seem to be changing. BUT most of my workouts have been on the treadmill or simply walking around the neighbourhood or downtown.
    Strength training will help with building some muscle which helps burn through your calories faster, don't worry about bulking up it's HARD :P
  • ibiaboochie
    Unfortunately you cannot "spot lose" weight. You can spot train and build muscle in specific areas, but when you start losing weight it comes off wherever your body wants it to. Like the other poster stated, as you continue your journey things will even out. As you continue to work your core and weight train the muscle you add will help burn calories as well. Keep your head in it and keep looking for positives!
  • Dawn111567
    I am the opposite I lose in my upper body first and then it takes forever to lose the bottom half.
  • kbenage
    kbenage Posts: 11
    I think it's really important to figure out what your overall body shape is. Some people are just build with more mass in the upper area of their bodies than in the lower half (apple shaped people). Some are Pear shaped (bottom heavy) and some are hourglass.

    You can still reduce your upped half with continue cardio and upper body workouts, but it may just take a little longer to see the results because that is your makeup.

    A couple of good articles that might help are:

    Good luck! feel free to add me as a friend!
  • dtrov13
    dtrov13 Posts: 1 Member
    I think everyone's bodies carry weight differently. Here is a gentle reminder that you have gone from a size 18 to A SIZE 12! That's amazing! That doesn't say to me you are only losing in your legs sister. :) Sounds like you are also losing inches in your waist. I think the best piece of advice I have ever gotten from going to the gym is that ab/core workouts are great, but the way to flatten your tummy and burn the fat that is covering that awesome six-pack tummy is cardio. Mostly running. If long-distance running/jogging is something you aren't fond of (I used to DESPISE it), try intervals of running and walking. Run at a good pace for, say, 3 minutes and then walk for 5, repeat. :) Pretty soon, I betcha your endurance and stanima will take off. Try signing up for a 5k run/walk to get you motivated to keep it up maybe? Something that will keep you "practicing" but not burn you out and make you hate it. Also, I LOVE my carbs too and I am a firm beliver that they are necessary. I would even go as far as saying I think it's unhealthy to cut them out completely. Just stick with low or non-fat choices of food to cut back your fat intake (not sure what diet plan you are following?) but adding more fiber (apples maybe?) will help as well. Keep up the cardio and keep up whatever it is you are doing. It's a long process, and it's all about routine and sticking to it. No need to get discouraged or frustrated, because as long as you keep working at it, you will be right where you want to be. :) CONGRATS ON YOUR ACHIEVEMENT SO FAR!!
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    Congrats on dropping the dress sizes in 3 months, thats still very impressive!

    I think being patience is the key too. I'm a size 10 top, size 8 jeans and it doesn't make sense to me either. I think its partly genetics and to do with your body shape. My sister is the opposite to me and is a size 8 top, size 10 jeans because she has a pear shaped body. I've still got some weight to lose and some toning up to do so fingers crossed it'll even out :)