Just have to share about the hubby....

My husband left for his 3rd tour in Iraq last March and I almost immediately began my new lifestyle and as of August lost 30 pounds (can't seem to get that last 15 off).

Anyway, I mentioned that this was my hubbys 3rd tour. The same thing always happened, he would leave, I would diet and lose a mess of weight, he would get back, we would pig out, and I would gain it all back plus some extra. This always infuriated me since I have absolutely no will power when it comes to junk food, if it is front of me I will eat it (although I have improved in this area since joining this site). The hubby would BRING ME HOME ice cream without my asking, pick up pizza to help out with dinner, etc. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was doing something "nice" and when I told him not to do these things, he would get hurt feelings. When he was gone, I would just not keep unhealthy foods in the house. It is much easier to lose weight when you only need to worry about yourself.

The hubby had also steadily gained over the years, and we were both feeling pretty lousy about ourselves by the time he left in March. Well he is back now due to an injury - no worries, he is OK! He managed to lose about 30 pounds in Iraq all on his own, and he is hell bent on maintaining his new lifestyle! This is a man that would not touch anything unless it had been deep fried, he wouldn't even contemplate eating a vegetable, and he lived on bread. Since returning nearly 3 weeks ago, he isn't buying junk food for the house, he participates in the grocery shopping, and we even cook together! He has been requesting more healthy choices for dinner, and his new favorite dinner is stir-fry that we make together! He LOVES how I look, and we can't keep our hands off eachother lol. I am just so happy that he is making positive changes and we can continue this journey together.

Sunday evening we were hanging out around the house relaxing, and he said "C'mon honey, i'm taking you out, you are way too sexy to be sitting around the house". Very cool.


  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    My husband left for his 3rd tour in Iraq last March and I almost immediately began my new lifestyle and as of August lost 30 pounds (can't seem to get that last 15 off).

    Anyway, I mentioned that this was my hubbys 3rd tour. The same thing always happened, he would leave, I would diet and lose a mess of weight, he would get back, we would pig out, and I would gain it all back plus some extra. This always infuriated me since I have absolutely no will power when it comes to junk food, if it is front of me I will eat it (although I have improved in this area since joining this site). The hubby would BRING ME HOME ice cream without my asking, pick up pizza to help out with dinner, etc. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was doing something "nice" and when I told him not to do these things, he would get hurt feelings. When he was gone, I would just not keep unhealthy foods in the house. It is much easier to lose weight when you only need to worry about yourself.

    The hubby had also steadily gained over the years, and we were both feeling pretty lousy about ourselves by the time he left in March. Well he is back now due to an injury - no worries, he is OK! He managed to lose about 30 pounds in Iraq all on his own, and he is hell bent on maintaining his new lifestyle! This is a man that would not touch anything unless it had been deep fried, he wouldn't even contemplate eating a vegetable, and he lived on bread. Since returning nearly 3 weeks ago, he isn't buying junk food for the house, he participates in the grocery shopping, and we even cook together! He has been requesting more healthy choices for dinner, and his new favorite dinner is stir-fry that we make together! He LOVES how I look, and we can't keep our hands off eachother lol. I am just so happy that he is making positive changes and we can continue this journey together.

    Sunday evening we were hanging out around the house relaxing, and he said "C'mon honey, i'm taking you out, you are way too sexy to be sitting around the house". Very cool.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Good for you. Just keep after it and the last 15 will eventually come off.
  • bethany169
    I totally understand your situation, except I was the one going to Iraq and losing the weight because I was eating right and working out all the time :smile: It's tough coming home and having access to all sorts of yummy, fattening foods. Sounds like you and yours are on the right track, good luck keeping it up!!
  • msblondy16
    oh my gosh that is soooooo cute!!! good for you guys!
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    soooo adorable!!!!!! nice job on the weight loss to both of you, it sounds like you guys are doing awesome, dont we wish all hubbies were like that i know i do!!! keep up the good work