Motivation needed!

I joined a few months back but I've been stuggling to keep myself motivated. Friends give me the usual look of disapproval as they say "You don't need to lose weight darlink" and offer me cake. So I've actually put 7 pounds on since first joining! :huh:
Tomorrow is Monday, I'll try and not give up on my diet by Thursday this time!

Dieting buddies needed!! :happy:


  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    I know what you mean by your friends encouraging you to cheat on eating healthy. Just got to keep your goals in mind. :)
  • kccat28
    kccat28 Posts: 4 Member
    This is such a problem for me as well! My friends are either overweight or have never struggled with their weight so they don't pay much attention to what they eat. It's so hard to be out and making the healthy choices when there is no support.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    They want you to eat the cake so they wont feel bad about eating it too lol dont let others influence your goals and your mind! You do you and let them worry about their own insecurities and stop putting it on you.....
    It took me a while too to say no to eating this or that or letting others tell me I look fine blah blah, but I didnt feel fine and I was so unhappy with I am getting and feeling better but I dont let other decided what is good for me.

    I do still eat cake but I eat half of half of what I used to eat!! Make small changes then it will get easier and easier
  • ElliMC
    ElliMC Posts: 53
    Hi everyone! I know, the ones offering cake and pizza seem to be the ones with a few extra pounds themselves but it's real hard not to eat when around their place for tea. As per tomorrow no more dinner parties, will have to be the anti-social chick who only arrives in time for a cheeky drink! And I will have to conquer my fear of veggies too :frown:
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Firstly, it sounds like you need to keep your goals to yourself, as your friends obviously aren't sympathetic or supportive to your wants and needs.

    Secondly, try to remove the word "DIEt" from your vocabulary and replace it with a lifestyle of healthier eating choices.

    Thirdly, motivation is a short term factor. What you need is INSPIRATION, something that will keep you going for the long haul.

    Motivation is usually associated to a short-term changes for a short-term and upcoming goal like a little black dress, a bikini, a wedding dress, a hot new date, being able to sit in ONE airplane seat instead of two, etc. And while motivation is good for the short-term, most permanent weight loss requires inspiration and a commitment to permanent lifestyle changes and long-term goals. Inspiration often results from motivation but can also come from factors outside motivation like death, illness, disease, children, etc.

    If you are seeking motivation, my suggestion is to find one burning desire for something or someone you absolutely want, must have, and need in your life and not for just now, but for many months to come. Make it highly personal and then use MFP as a SUPPORT SYSTEM to help you stay focused on that desire. I find most people here highly supportive and encouraging but not one of them has ever done my workout for me. Nor has anyone here created my healthy meal plans and spoon fed me. I've had to do all of that myself, as has everyone else here.

    It is important to remember that no amount of external motivation, support or encouragement will ever change the fact that the bulk of the real hard work and effort is always up to you. You alone must become your first and strongest ally in this process because temptation is everywhere and if you can't do it for yourself, no one else can do it for you.
  • HappyTemple
    I'm totally in the same boat. My motivation is at an all-time low, and I'm getting pretty depressed.

    And I hear you on others' being "sweet." My bff showed up with a surprise Dr. Pepper, my boyfriend got surprise pizza, when I was really depressed about something, he pulled into a Culvers and said ice cream would cheer me up (so sweet - what could I say?!), random goodies being thrown at me from here and there - GAH!!! And it's not their fault, because I'm always so back and forth on eating well, that they just assume when I've had an "I don't care anymore" stretch long enough, anything is safe since it just depends on my mood at the time (which has been leaning toward all the pizza, Dr. Pepper and ice cream in the world).

  • ElliMC
    ElliMC Posts: 53
    I suppose we should all really listen to what audjrey said, it makes so much sense! And if we find that ispiration we won't give in to friends and partners being "sweet" nor feel any need to eat comfort food when down! :happy:
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I am learning to politely say no thank you:)
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    It's tough, though, isn't it? How many of you have husbands out there who ask " do you want me to order pizza or chinese food?" I don't know where I would be without Trader Joe's...we're here to support you, though!
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    My inspiration is not to give up on myself! By giving up on your "diet", you're giving up on yourself. As Audjrey said, only you can change your eating habits; you must own your own destiny. As I say, it's about choices; a choice to say no without the guilt of how someone elses reacts. Don't forget to remove the word "diet" from you vocabulary; it is a form of self sabatage. Feel free to friend me. Good Luck! :glasses:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I totally hear you! My husband (who I've been with for 21 years) is wonderfully supportive about everything EXCEPT my desire to eat better. He is a terrible eater--meat and potatoes are his idea of a good meal. For some reason he's finally come around a bit. I think it's b/c I've just started ignoring the "bad" foods that he makes. After I spent the 1st week saying "no thanks" he has tried to be more conscious of what he's cooking. I think being on this site has really helped both of us. I just tell him I don't have enough calories to have french fries or pizza or whatever it is he wants. Today, for example, he let me know this morning that he wanted to grill pork chops for dinner--he realizes I need to budget my calories. I went to the gym, earned an extra 600 calories and brought home steak fries to go with them and I'm still 300 calories below my daily allowance.
    The bottom line is we have to take control of our food choices and not let others influence us :) Keep going--we can do it!
  • BobbyKca
    BobbyKca Posts: 3 Member
    Audjrey is exactly right about taking care when sharing your goals, changing your vocabulary [or more important, associations], and finding inspiration--these are all important points that aren't often addressed, especially the difference between short term motivation and inspiration.

    I'll try to keep this short, but I am well-versed, taught, and practiced in fitness, health, nutrition, and weight management. In fact, I'm hoping to find the INSPIRATION to write a book in the [hopefully near] future. WOW, just realized that saving the posts, emails, and texts I send to friends would be a great start...and positive progress LOL

    Anyhow, the first post I read on this thread [today being the first time I stumbled upon any posts, etc....because I only use this site as a more convenient way to track my calories, etc. than the Excel spreadsheet I haven't put enough time into automating] was the one that expressed discontent in GAINING weight since beginning, as opposed to losing weight....

    So, I'll skip the most common point to address [that being gaining weight from increased movement (exercise)], and I'll point out that is very common to gain some weight before you lose more weight--at least when taking the CORRECT step in beginning to track your food (CALORIE) intake and [even better] exercise (CALORIE expenditure).

    The reason behind this is somewhat mental/psychological [and the reason weight management is even more of a MENTAL battle than a physical battle]:
    I'm willing to bet that you had already experienced some weight loss success [or at least success at more exercise and/or less eating] prior to setting up your profile on this site; in either case, it's common for people to have set-backs; it's also common for a set-back to be after accomplishing some success [resting on laurels, so to speak]; since efforts are often the result of short term motivation, and since positive reinforcement is one of THE BEST motivators, it's common that some already-achieved success created the motivation [and/or momentum] to begin/continue setting up your profile (seek out assistance) on myfitnesspal here. It’s natural to ease-off on the throttle a little bit…after the excitement of jumping on the accelerator!! [I hope the car reference helps more than hurts]

    Sorry for being long-winded; all I am trying to say is that you shouldn't beat yourself up for some progress backwards [and I use that term "progress" intentionally]--because if you take lesson from it, by identifying the CAUSE for the weight gain [re-gain?], you are progressing by LEARNING how to help yourself become a better manager of your own FITNESS.

    The bottom line [other than: (1) carefully identify your allies [no offense to those who may hinder you, usually], (2) learn to eliminate negative vocabulary and form new, healthier associations with positive, albeit, challenging behavior/habits, and (3) realize your best chance at success stems from inspiration, not just motivation....] is this:
    Understanding the CAUSE for every RESULT should be a constant awareness and essential part of your independent fitness plan.

    This may now sound silly, but please respect [as best as you can] the fact that much of this material will be copyrighted in the future--for now I just really hope I can help people...because that's always what I've been about....

    One last thing:
    My mother taught me, and my grandmother taught her, and it used to be a magnet that hung on their refrigerators:
    NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels!
    Some have adapted this to make it sound more politically correct, etc., but the fact remains that NOTHING beats the feeling of feeling good about yourself, and for 9 out of 10 people, feeling thinner [which is almost ALWAYS healthier] is the most wonderful thing you can feed yourself!!
    So if it works better, REMEMBER: Feeling thinner [or healthier] is the most delicious thing you can feed yourself! NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels ;o]

    Don't know if I'll be posting anymore in the future, but hopefully I'll see you around....

    Bobby K.
  • ASkinnyGirlInside
    Hi! I totally understand what you are going through! I find that writing about my thoughts helps tremendously. I love MyFitnessPal and use the site for support in conjunction with my blog ( and my workout routine. Its nice to talk with people who are going through the same thing!

    Keep to your goals and lean on people who understand! Support in numbers!! <3